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Cameron POV

There was a ringing. A long and disturbing ringing before I was able to make out the sirens in the distance. I was on my side and couldn't feel any part of my body. Everything was just...numb.

I slowly opened my eyes and could barely make out what I was seeing. I was lying against the driver's door. The weird part about that was that I was on the floor. The car was on it's side.

There was glass everywhere and as I regained consciousness I could see the massive cuts and bruises on my body. My seatbelt was still on and every airbag in the car was deflated.

The sirens grew closer as I slowly lifted my head off of the ground. I seriously had no idea what happened and didn't even know why our car wasn't on the road. We were in between the off ramp and the high way, just lying on the grass.


I totally forgot I was Grayson and went into panic mode, trying to find out where he was. I looked to the right and saw him dangling above me, his seatbelt holding him in the air.

I blinked a few times, still trying to adjust to the lighting and focus on what I was looking at. Grayson was bleeding really badly from his head and had a massive cut on his arm. His face was scared up from the glass and he wasn't conscious.

Just as I was about to unbuckle my seatbelt and get Grayson out, I heard the sirens get even louder as they approached the car. I tried to get my seatbelt off but it wouldn't budge, I was stuck. I squirmed and reach up to try and touch Grayson. His arms were hanging down so I was able to grab his arm and shake him.

"Grayson!...Grayson!" I said, struggling. It seemed like the more I struggled with the buckle the tighter it got. I felt like I was suffocating and it was only getting worse. I let go of Grayson's hand and began hitting the roof of the car to try and get someone's attention.

"Is someone there?" I heard a male voice call out. Stupid ass question.

I couldn't say anything and just kept banging on the roof.

It began getting very difficult to breath and everything started to get quieter and black again. I blinked fast tying to stay awake but it was no use. As the sounds of sirens, commotion and voices began to fade, so did my vision. The last thing I remember seeing that day was my unconscious  little brother dangling above me as I was cut loose and dragged out of the car.

Third Person POV

The scene was horrific. Cameron's car off of the road, on its side, and totaled. But that was only the start of the catastrophe. Grayson and Cameron weren't the only ones involved in the crash.

A semi is traveling east bound, about to merge onto the main highway to leave town. The driver has a heart attack and loses control of the vehicle and veers to the left. Unsuspecting traffic waits at a stop light. The semi uncontrollably runs head on into three cars before coming to a stop off the road. The cargo hooked onto the back turns clockwise and damages three more cars before the truck comes to a halt. Four are dead, including the driver, and 6 are injured.

First responders are on the scene in minutes and assist those affected by the accident.

Firefighters carry Cameron to a nearby ambulance before returning to try and cut Grayson loose.

Once he's loose, he is carried out of the way and laid on the floor where paramedics examine the extremity of his injuries. They automatically conclude that he has major head trauma and will definitely need to be hospitalized. Cameron on the other hand is close to no damage whatsoever for an accident like this. Slight head wound that will heal itself and a few cuts and bruises, Grayson is definitely in worse shape.

Although the two are still pretty badly injured, they are one of the lucky ones. Others will later day in the hospital or be in a coma for months.

When Cameron and Grayson are put on gurneys and put into the ambulance, they head towards the hospital. At the same time, news broadcasters arrive to the scene to share what they know about the situation.


Mom: Gonna be home a little late. There's a massive pile up by the interstate.

Sol: Okay. Ethan's still here.

"Dang. My mom said there was a big pile up by the highway. I wonder if your sister and Grayson saw it." I said, setting his phone down and picking up his pencil again.

"Probably not. If they did Grayson would've totally texted me." Ethan replied.

"Unless they were in it" I said, joking in a pretty fucked up way and not realizing how screwed up it was until I said the words.

"Dude don't say that."

"Yeah you're right. Sorry. They're probably fine tho if Grayson didn't text you."

"Yeah. They are." Ethan said as he looked down at his phone's black screen.

A/N: Aye I'm back. So as you can tell, this is a sequel to "Crazy in Love" so if you haven't read that one you totally should before reading this one. Sorry for the short and lame update but I haven't posted anything in weeks and it's a three day weekend so I decided I should post. Hopefully you enjoyed it at least a little.

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