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Well, I hope you enjoy. I made this up on the fly and really hope you like it. Know that I will try to update as much as possible, my OC is not going to be someone too majorly important, nor will she be added to either show, and... what was that last thing I'm forgetting? Hmm...

Doctor: Perhaps that this is entirely fiction and you own nothing except the idea. You don't even own the cover page.

Oh yeah, that. Now, you shoo, you have work to do and I have a story to write. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy my book! (Thanks to the original artist, by the way!)


Natsu p.o.v.

It was the day Lucy, Happy, and I left the capital to go look for the other members of Fairy Tail to get the guild back together. We were a good ways away from the city when Lucy started complaining, just like the good old days. However, before I had a chance to respond to her, I heard the sound of something hitting the ground as though it had fallen. Turning around, I saw Luce lying on the ground, unmoving. Concerned for my close friend, I ran to her side, but just before I reached her, Happy, too, passed out for no reason. Just as I was starting to freak out, I saw a bright light before I, too, blacked out.

(Still his p.o.v.)

As I woke up, I felt something hard, and definitely metal, beneath my chest. As I finally managed to open my eyes and take a look at who I happened to be lying on, I quickly scrambled away from the red haired she demon known as Erza, hoping she was still asleep and didn't realize the position I had just been in. Thankfully, I was not a moment too late, as almost as soon as I was a safe distance away, she finally woke up, as did everyone else in this strange new place we were suddenly in. As I leaped onto my old guild friends in delight of seeing them, I also took quick glances around the place, and realized that our guild was not alone in this room we were now in.

There were many other guilds, a few good and a few bad, which we all glared at after noticing their presence, but there were also many strange people who none of us had ever met before, and a lot of them looked suspiciously like ninjas. However, before we could dwell on it too much, a puff of smoke came from in the middle of the room, and when it cleared, there was a strange woman standing there.

~~~~~(3rd p.o.v.)~~~~~

All the characters subconsciously moved into 'groups' as the smoke cleared revealing the woman. She was their age with long, braided purple hair, purple eyes, different clothes (mix of Naruto and Fairy Tail, will explain later), and a piece of cloth covering her forehead. She looked at the groups and sighed.

"Just so you know, a barrier has been put around this room and it cancels both chakra and magic power, so fighting will be useless. Okay, now that we've got that out of the way! I'm Violet Görudo. I'm just like you guys: real, but to some, just a fictional character, a figment of someone's imagination. Anyways, you've all been brought here to get a break from your lives and to sit down and watch the lives of those you know, and of the others here."

They all looked at each other, wary, before looking back to her and she sighed again.

"Don't ask me why, I don't have all of the answers, but the seats are spread around the room, and I'm staying to prevent any fist-fighting, you know who you are. By the way, some people may be forced to sit with those they don't like if they don't sit somewhere else first, so..."

She had barely finished the last statement before everyone was rushing around the room to find a seat near someone they liked, or tolerated, and sat down as Violet let out a heavy sigh and walked to the front of the room.

"Ok, so we will watch be switching between each show, watching one episode each. If at anytime you need something, the room should provide you with it, and there will be breaks for exercise and relieving oneself if necessary. Now the first one we are going to watch is broad in its plot, and has no real direction from one point to another. It is filled with a special kind of, dare I say, magic, and is a favorite for most who find it. Alright then, with that, let's begin!"

And, surprisingly, cheers were heard as the lights went down and a gigantic screen lit up.

A/N: Alright, we're off! Tell me what you think of it so far, I'm open to constructive criticism. First off: The first episode of Fairy Tail! Hope you enjoy!

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