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I smiled and laughed as I watched him dance with everyone. It was obvious he hasn't danced in a long time considering the way he was moving but it wasn't like I could really say anything, I wasn't much of a dancer either. Not in public at least.

"Why aren't you dancing? I figured you'd be out there with everyone else."

I chuckled as Nicky stood beside me with that usual, innocent smile on his face.

"You don't want to see me dance, kid."

He laughed, his smile spreading out into a grin.

"Now I do."

I shook my head, a mock grimace taking over my face.


We both laughed again before a squeal found its way out of my mouth as someone pulled me by my hand. It took me a moment to register that the person was Ahkmenrah, with that heart throbbing smile on his face. Despite where he was pulling me, I couldn't help but smile back at him as butterflies went crazy in my stomach before his hand left mine and he continued his dancing from before. I laughed then, starting at a chuckle and eventually working up to a loud and joyous laugh that reverberated through the room.

"I'm not dancing!"

He gave me that sort of 'are you sure?' look with just his eyes, his smile never leaving those soft lips of his, but I only shook my head.

"I'll just stand here, like the socially awkward outcast I am, thanks."

His smile grew to a smirk as both of his hands grabbed mine before bending forward to kiss one of them.

"Dance with me, Emma."

I shook my head and laughed again as he pulled me towards him, one arm going around my waist as the other kept a firm grasp on my hand, making me step along in a dance with him. As I hung my head to lean on his shoulder, to attempt to hide myself from everyone, he chuckled and pulled me closer.

"See? It's not so bad."

"I hate you."

He chuckled again.

"I love you too, Emma."

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