It takes two to dance, three to cheat, and four to start complications

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A/N: this chapter goes to the two people who commented on tue last story, u know who u are. :P okay u have 3 choices listen to the song before u read, during "the dream sequence" even though i didn't time the song so it wont match or after, they are all recommended:) ENJOY! and sorry if u hate this chapter, :)  


***Mikey's POV***

 When walking home I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I was happy, could you blame me? But I tried to compose myself when arriving home. Ray had probably left by now. When I was near the Garage I could hear Gerard talking to Frank and Bob. I quickly hid near the garage door so I could hear.

 "What the hell is your guys's problem?! You never fight, and its been getting in the way of band practice." Gerard said. There was an awkward silence and I could see Frank look aways and chew on his lip ring and Bob was moving his feet.

 "Well?!" Gerard asked.

 "Bob started it!" Frank said. Oh yeah, real mature Frank. I thought.

 "Bob...?" Gerard asked.

 "What? Me?! Are you kidding if Frank wasn't such a jealous little baby, we woudnt-" Bob started.

 "Me, ever since I've been hanging around her-" Frank started interrupting him.

 "Guys! Cut it out! wait. What do you mean by her?" Gerard asked. Frank looked down red as a tomato and Bob turned away smirking.

 "Are you guys seriously fighting over a girl?! Who is she any ways-?" Oh no. Gerard cant find out. I walked in casually. They all looked at me.

 "We'll talk about this later." Gerard simply said and Frank and Bob left. Gerard closed the garage door.

 "Did, uh, Alice make it home okay?" Gerard asked.

 "Yeah, but with some complications..." I murmured.

 "What?" Gerard asked.

 "N-nothing. Im going inside." I said walking through the door that connected to our house. I went upstairs and changed it to blue checkered pajama pants and a black shirt. I turned on the TV in theliving room. I turned on to a Twilight Zone marathon. (A/N:No, this isn't a show about vampires.Look it up, its awesome) Yes! Loved this show. I started getting sleepy around 11:00....

 ~Mikey's Dream World~

 I was dressed in a nice suit, Black silk, with a gold vest and a black and gold tie. I realized I was on a stage and there was a mic in front of me. I never sing. I tuned around and saw Ray with a guitar, one guy with a drum and another with a chello, bass thing. I looked in front of me there was a small crowd dressed in really weird clothing, well at least the girls were. Hey, there was Alice, except she had her hair crimped and it was frizzy it was still black. She actually looked nice with it. she had a baby blue gown and looked kind of bored. And Frank was there well dressed as well in a white dress shirt with a black vest and a tie, and Gerard was there too? He was well dressed, in a red velvet coat (A/N;NOT a robe, and NOt old) and a black under shirt. And Bob? He was dressed in a black suit with a black under shirt. They were all wearing black skinny jeans, except for bob, who was wearing regular black jeans.

 There were other men with other weirdly dressed women.

 Okay, Im confused. The music started to play and I started to sing it wasn't my voice though, weird. It was like some one elses but I was lip singing.

 "Im comming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine.

 Gotta gotta be down cause I want it all. It started out with a kiss,

Make a wish when your childhood dies (a mcr fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang