Late night visits.

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"The distance is quite simply too far for me to row, it seems farther than ever before. I need you so much closer."

- Transatlanticism, by Death Cab For Cutie.

This is the soundtrack for the chapter, so please listen to it. This song has also been apArt of my personal soundtrack.<3


I was walking enjoy the cool air bringing comfort to my lungs. I was so nervous would she think I was weird, I know I must have hurt her so much. Why do I just screw things up.

I was walking, a little scared. If my parents found out I was walking the streets at this time I would so be dead. And if my parents didn't kill me yet, some guy from the mafia might. I hurried up, I was finally coming up to the house I was looking for. I stood out here, kinda feeling dumb. I don't think I planed this whole thing through. I sucked it up and decided I would do this Edward Cullen style.

*** Alice's POV***


What the bloody hell was that? I just wanted sleep, today was so long. I spent the whole day at Gerard's.


Okay, now its getting creepy.

Tap, Tap. Clink.

I peeked from my pillow and decided to look.

Holy shit, theres a stalker outside my window. I was about to scream when my phone started ringing. What the fuck? I need to call the police, by why the hell is someone calling me at this time? Being stupid, I answered.


"Alice, its freezing out here and its 1 am and we live in New Jersey. So open your window before I get frostbites or butt raped."

I looked at the caller ID and realized it was Gerry. I hung open and hesitated opening the window. When I did a awkward Gerard came tumbling through the window landing on me causingg me to squeal. As he was awkwardly straddling me he clamped his hand over my mouth and my eyes became wide.


The actual.


I'm so confused, maybe this isn't Gerry, than holy shit its an axe murderer. If this is Gerry, then what the heck is going on?I did all that I could think of, and I licked his hand. The person pulled his hand away quickly saying 'Eeeeewwwww, gross, gross, gross.' under his breath.

"Alice, what the heck?! I need to talk to you."

Yup, this was Gerry.

"Okay, you woke me up and there is a draft coming in. So I'm pissed, now speak. Why are you in my room, why did you go through my window, of all the ungodly hours of the days you had to bother me why now, and what?" I said. What? Im pissed and sleepy.

"I- I needed to talk to you, Alice. It was keeping me up all night..."

Wait, it all sarted coming back. Gerard was pissed at me, and I started remembering our last conversation. But he sounded, sad? I felt sad when I saw his eyes glisten in the dark, and I just couldn't stand it, I wanted to hug him.

No! Don't give in! He makes you feel like shit, you'll get into more fights! He'll stop you from being with your crush!

The little voice in my head pleaded. Could it be true? Gerard's my friend. He was breathing deeply from the climb I guess, and he was stillstraddlingg me, any other time and my face would be a tomato, but this was not the time.

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