I haven't been okay. part 1

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(SPOILER ALERT! Im adding a special guest...)

It was the last class before art. The whole day was filled with whispers and glares. I didn't look up from the floor. I was walking by the Ghost Hallway and decided to take a breather. I was already late for art. I sat down while everyone was clearing out. I heard to guys chuckling and laughing. Not wanting to be seen I pulled my legs to my chest and made sure my skirt wasn't hiking up. I held my breath.

 "Brendon, dude! That was epic!" It was Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie. They were cute, don't get me wrong. But they were also jerks.

 "Hey, Ryan. Whats that?" Brendon asked. He noticed my figure. I gasped.

 "Brendon, I think its Alice." He said.

 "Alice?" Ryan asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

 "Go away, guys!" I snapped.

 "Ryan, I think your right. It is the new eight grade whore..." Brendon snickered. My face turned red.

 "Guys, just leave me alone! I have to be getting to class, the bells gonna' ring." I said.

 "I think she's here waiting for the next guy to hook up with, what do you think Ryan?" He snickered.

 "Just stop!" I said again my voice breaking.

 "Aw, is Alice going to cry?" Ryan said. I looked away but when I peeked back they were right in front of me. Brendon grabbed my chin so I could look at him.

 "You know Alice, it's not fair that you would reject my 6th grade valentines but now I hear your making out with boys left and right."he breathed. He said. God is he still holding me to that? He needs to grow up.

 "That was in fifth grade Brendon, get over it! And those are rumors!" I snapped back with as much rudeness I could manage.

 "Hm. I don't think so..." He said in a sing song voice.

 "If all these High schoolers had a chance to kiss you Alice Ballato, I want in." He said. I gasped. He pinned me down to the ground and was startling me.

 "P-please...Brendon don't!" I said afraid of what would happen.

 "Ryan. Make sure there isn't any teachers!" He said.

 "Dude, lets not due this." Ryan said. Brendon just grunted and carried me off to one of the abandon class rooms. Ryan followed looking at the ground.

 "Close the door." Brendon said sitting me down on a teachers desk.

 Ryan did so. When he looked up I looked at him with pleading eyes and he shifted uncomfortable under my gaze. Brendon looked at me up and down and I felt uncomfortable. I realized my skirt was showing to much and quickly pulled it down. He chuckled. I looked back at Ryan who only looked away. Brendan sat next to me, getting oddly close. I tried moving away but he only moved closer. He then put an arm around me. With all my force I triend pushing him away, but he was to strong. I started flailing my arms and legs. And pushing him and hitting him. But I was to weak and this only caused him to laugh. He put both arms around me. Great now I cant get up. I don't want my first kiss to be with him, I wanted it to be special.

 "Ryan, make sure no one comes..." He said. Ryan just nodded. I looked at him and mouth the words 'help' but he only mouthed 'I'm sorry' back.

 "See, admit it. You do like this....whore." He muttered. I whimpered under his arms.

 "Please stop...someone. Help please..." My voice was already scratchy and was weak. Brendan started snuggling into me.

 He was going to kiss my lips but I quickly retracted it by turning my head to the side so he kissed my cheek. I didn't want this.

Make a wish when your childhood dies (a mcr fan fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora