Chapter 1

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     Chloe Hemsworth

     I squealed as I read online that the set of Suicide Squad: Task Force X needed some staff. I immediately called the employers. I explained the position I wanted as an assistant or some sort of water girl so they put me on hold and I ended up waiting for at least fifteen minutes. When they got back on the phone they told me that they actually needed more actresses and all of the spots for staff were taken. "Have you ever been interested in acting?" They asked me. I was so shocked but I quickly responded with an "I guess I've never really thought about it, but sure it would be an honour! What do you need from me?"
     "Well we need an audition tape sent in and a discretion of yourself, but we will send you a package including the script, that will explain it all." I agreed and gave them my information. They told me the package should come in in a few days.

     The package had just arrived. I opened it nervously and it contained the very heavy and thick script, a booklet demanding things like my age, height, weight, medical history and some questions about what it would mean to me to be a part of this movie. There was also a paper describing some pictures of myself I need to send to them. I must send them all of my information and picture before they tell me what part they want me auditioning for.
     I filled it out and by the end of the day I had filled it out and sent it back, keeping only the script. I knew it was going to be a while before I got a call but I was very anxious. I decided I'd hang out with my friends instead. I called up Jamira and Emily we decided to go out for a fancy dinner to celebrate the offer I'd received.

     I was laying in bed the next morning and got a call from an unknown number. "Hello, Chloe we looked over your information and decided that while you have the personality and looks to fit many roles we would like you to audition for the role of Charlotte, a guard at the jail where the Squad is being held. Charlotte also ends up joining the squad because her character impresses Rick Flag with her combat skills. I recorded myself reading a few lines that they requested from me. I got a call back a week later telling me that they looked over all of the auditions and they decided that I was one of the few that were suitable for the role. They asked me to go to Toronto for a live audition. I was so excited.

Writer's Note: This was a very fast and not very detailed chapter because I just need to get the story and backstory started before I get into all of the interesting stuff. I will definitely put more dialogue and detail into the next chapters as I did with my previous story, "Give Me Some 'Love'". I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. Please leave a comment if you have any tips for me. Thank you.

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