Chapter 4

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     Writer's Note: Thank you so much for the kind comments please keep commenting, I love reading comments so just say whatever is on your mind! Also let me know if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes, I try my best but my iPhone keyboard can get kind of tricky. Thanks!
     I have also added names in the story which describes who's narrating. I've decided to do this because in chapters to come I thought that Jai's opinion might be beneficial. Hope you like the change!

Jai Courtney

     Filming starts in a few days and I don't even know who our new co star is. They wouldn't even let me watch her audition tape or read over her information booklet-not being stalkerish. I did catch a glimpse of her though, she was almost my height and she had long curly hair, her body type wasn't skinny or large but athletic, realistic. Her eyes were a grey blue that I could stare at all the time. Not that I'm saying I would like to or anything like that. I've realized that love isn't always true especially not love at first sight though I'm might seem possible.
     My last girlfriend was my soulmate until we had our little mix up. Basically I kissed this girl named Anna while I was drunk I might add, and my manager decided it would be a good idea to date her for the publicity. I followed through only for a little bit though. Finally when Maddy Evans and I reunited, a week later she came out and started dating Anna. What a kick in the face. That was around a year ago though so I've been focusing on my career since then. I'd like to get to know This girl though, she seems like she's make a good friend. A gorgeous friend that could possibly turn into something more.

(First day on set-running over the script)

     I was so excited to get back on the set in Toronto. Today all we would do was go over the script and get settled in our trailers and hotel rooms. I heard that this year we would get paired up with someone to room with. David thought it would help with bonding and he thought we wouldn't mind since we're all so close anyways. I hope I get paired up with Jay Hernandez, he's definitely the funniest out of the whole cast. And I hope I don't get paired with Jared, you know because of his "method acting" where he stays in the character of the Joker on and off set.
     I reach the set where they've set up a table in the room they use for Margot's jail cell. I walk in and just like always I'm late. I chuckle and wave which charms everyone. Everyone including the staff laugh, works every time. I sit down I between David and one of the producers. The most boring seat in the house. How am I supposed to have a conversation with these two who mean all business?
     "Now that the one and only, fashionably late Captain Boomerang is here, let's get started shall we? Wanna go ahead and start it mate?" I announced then looked at David. He winked and laughed then started with the it traditions of the new cast members.
     "First we need to acknowledge a few people, first off we have Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and we have Aaron Eckhart as Two-Face, Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman and Jim Parsons as the Riddler. Now those are all guest appearances but we have a huge role coming to the movie and it is Charlotte played by Chloe Hemsworth! Now this is Chloe's first movie, I hope she doesn't mind me saying this," he looked over to her and she smiled but also looked confused, probably waiting to see what he was going to say, " Chloe actually called in wanting to be a water girl! But all of those positions were taken so she's a huge role in the movie now!" He laughed, everyone laughed but I could tell she was very embarrassed

Chloe Hemsworth

     I was so embarrassed. Everyone was laughing and all I could do was try to laugh along. I wish I was just a water girl right now, laughing at someone else in this position. I scanned the room to see if anyone maybe felt bad for me. Everyone was laughing. I don't blame them, my situation is pretty pathetic. Everyone else has been acting for so long and I didn't even take drama in high school!
     I made my way to the other side of the table as everyone was laughing at extra small jokes people had made but Jai Courtney was looking right at me. I looked down then looked back but he held the stare. I smiled a bit and let out a small laugh. He raised his eyebrows and nodded at me, gesturing to see if I was okay. I nodded and laughed again, he was so gorgeous and he seemed so supportive and kind.
     The laughter died back down and David continued. "Now I know some of you have read in your script that there was some extra love in this movie. The three people that weren't notified are Chloe, Jason, and Jai. You two guys will both be absolutely head over heals for Chloe's character and will have to end up fighting for her!!!" David excitedly said.
     "Great mate, the only person that's bigger than me I'm in an argument with, thanks!" Jai said smelling a straight face. Jason laughed then will added, "hey I'm pretty sure I'm bigger than you!" Everyone chuckled and Jai rolled his eyes. Sure will is taller, you can even tell from them sitting down but Jai clearly is stronger. Even I laugh and look to him. He's looking at me again and he winks. I can feel my face turning red. I hope no one notices, but Jai laughs at me so I know he can see my tomato like face.
     When the table read finishes everyone makes their way to the trailers which consists of meeting your assistant and knowing where the snacks are. Then we all made our way to the hotel where we would find out who we room with. I make my way up to my room and oh my gosh. I can't believe it's them.

Writer's Note: I understand this chapter was really long and it's a bit of a cliffhanger but I am starting on the next one right away before the idea slips my mind. The chapter was long because I needed to introduce people and the situation in which Chloe is in. Hope you like it!!! Remember please comment I don't care what you say, ask me a random question. Just comment! Thanks for reading!

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