Chapter 3

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     Chloe Hemsworth

     Shailene and I sat down at the fancy. Cafe she got us a reservation to. She ordered an herbal tea and I ordered a sweet tea.
     "So how did you think you did in the audition?" Shailene asked me. Oh gosh I forgot, she didn't make the cut. I doubt I'm supposed to say anything but she'll have to find out sooner or later.
     "Oh, I actually did really well!" I responded, "yeah they told me I got the role!" I said, wondering if she would feel happy for me or if she would sad about herself. For a second or two she looked surprised then a smile grew on her face and she squealed.
     "Oh my gosh!!!!! I knew you would get it! To be honest none of us had a chance! This is crazy, and it's your first time auditioning too! Congratulations, I'm so excited for you!" She gushed. Wow I didn't expect her to act that nicely. I smiled and she smiled back.
     "The only thing is they mentioned something that isn't in the script," I started, "Charlotte has two love interests!"
     "Oh, you didn't know? It was in my script and there was a note saying not to tell anyone about it, even if they're involved in the movie!" Shailene said, "it wasn't in your script? Maybe they don't want you knowing about it! Maybe they're keeping it a surprise so that there's a spark on screen. But don't worry I'm sure on the first day of filming they will give you the real script."
     "You can't tell me who it is? There's two right?" I asked, hoping she would tell me what I was in for.
     "You're puppy dog face is cute but I can't tell you anything!" She said laughing. I was in for a surprise. "Did you end up finding out who the other seat was supposed to be? I was thinking Joel Kinnaman maybe? His character Rick Flag was a huge part in the first movie!"
     "No actually right as I was leaving Jai Courtney walked in. He was the other chair." I said. Shailene knows Jai as they were in Divergent and Insurgent together.
     "Oh Jai, he's really nice and he's normally the life of the party! You're going to have so much fun on set with him!" I started thinking about his gorgeous blue eyes and his muscles and the way he gazed at me, "hello, Chloe? Oh my, you like him!!! Chloe!!!" Shailene screamed. I shushed her to be quiet because now the whole cafe was looking at us. She tried to contain herself which only resulted in her laughing even more.
     "I don't like him! I don't even know him! Sure he might be an amazing actor and incredibly strong and handsome and his gorgeous eyes might be- but that does NOT mean I like him." I whispered aggressively. She giggled again.
     "He's a great guy, and when he really likes someone he really likes that person. While we were filming Divergent and Insurgent he was with this girl named Maddy Evans. They both thought it was true love until Maddy cheated on him with the girl that he cheated on her with! It was so confusing at the time but now she's very open about it. He was heart broken and he hasn't been with any one since. I'm sure he'll be with you soon though!!!" She said happily. I rolled my eyes and we continued with our lunch. Once we finished we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. Now was my time to study the script, hoping not too many things would change with the whole romance part I was missing.

Writer's Notes: I hope you all like this chapter it explained more of what is happening and it gives a lot of information about what's going to happen in the upcoming chapters. If you were wondering the idea of Maddy Evans is from another Jai Courtney fanfiction on this app. It's called "Enchanting" and the sequel is called "Charming". I thought they were very good but I had to turn things around on the author because Jai is mine. Hope you enjoy, comment please!

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