Chapter 12: Unbearable

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       A familiar looking woman came out of no where and I never got the chance to reveal to Shaun that I was pregnant with his baby. I was grateful because I wanted to tell him, but then again, I was still nervous.

"Kendra? Its that Mrs. Watson's baby? Girl, you done grew up too fast."

"Oh, hey Aunt Nessa," I said awkwardly.

       Nessa was a woman that worked in SEARS with my mom for over ten years. She was basically like family, but due to heavy work schedules, she was rarely able to come around. Nessa was 5'0" short, although she was thirty eight years old and she was plump. Her dark skin looked as if it was glowing, due to the ceiling florescent  white lights.

       Nessa looked back and forth between Shaun and I, then asked, "Girl, what are you doing in the baby isle? Am I gonna have to whoop you?"

I chuckled awkwardly and said, "No."

"Oh, better not. How's your mom? I know she has the day off today and I had no one to enjoy my lunch break with."

"Oh, she's at home relaxing."

"I just can't believe how big you've gotten, and look at your hair all highlighted. You think you're hot?"


       I wanted to keep my answers short because I could see an impatient look on Shaun's face. Nessa let me go, and I hoped she wouldn't tell my mom she seen me in the baby isle with a boy. Deep down, I felt she would tell. When Nessa walked away, Shaun asked, "Who was that?"

"Oh, she's just a close family friend."

"Oh well...Are you gonna tell me now?"

"Let's just go."

"Who said I was gonna bring you home?"

"You have to bring me home. You did bring me here, didn't you?"

"I don't know, did I?"

"Quit playin' Shaun! Let's go, I'm hungry."

       Shaun put his right arm around my shoulder and asked, "Would you let me buy you something at the food court?" He had that cute side smirk on his face.

       I grabbed his arm and removed it from around me. I gave him a rude look and said, "Oh so, you wanna buy me food but you couldn't buy me a little outfit in the store? See, every time we're doing something, it's always your decisions. You don't control me."

       Shaun started at me with a cocky stance and said, "Girl, that makes no damn sense. It's my money, so yes I do make the decisions. What would you do without my money?"

       I began to walk away from him because I was about to cry again. He of course followed and started apologizing. He grabbed my arm and yanked me back while saying, "My bad Ken."

       I hit him with the hand that wasn't being gripped and yelled, "Don't fucking call me Ken!" For some reason I let my emotions get the best of me and before I knew it, I was repeatedly hitting him on his chest.

        Shaun let go of me and looked shocked and embarrassed. Employees from around the store started to look in our direction,  and I even seen a old woman pick up a yellow phone, attached to the wall in the store.

       I sped walked out of the store and didn't stop until I was back in front of Forever 21. Although I was upset, Shaun continued to follow closely beside me. Again, he grabbed the same arm that he did before and spoke through his teeth, "What is your problem?"

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