Chapter one: Lecture Hall 2

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September 22nd 2016. My third day of college, I have a bio-chemistry lecture which I have to arrive for at 11:00am. I'm not sure yet whether or not I regret taking bio-chemistry, but after a year I'm allowed to drop a subject so if I hate it with such a passion I can just quit and pursue my other classes.

I checked my watch, it's now 10:45 Am. Early as usual. I've always had such a problem with being late, I hate it, just like my mother. I guess I grew to develop that trait of hers. I just stood outside lecture hall 2 and stared out of the massive window opposite me. It was sunny, but cool. Unexpected for September in England, but weirder things have happened in my life I suppose. The sun felt warm against my forearms and face, because I was inside the breeze didn't take away from the suns warmth. The corridor was warm and quiet as I stood alone basking in the natural light.

Suddenly, the echoing tapping of shoes bounced of the cream walls of the corridor. I jerked my head to face my left as my mind broke out of my partial sleeping state. I saw a man. 3 men actually, but my mind only registered the other two after observing him; he was probably in his mid-forties, his dark brown hair dusted heavily with grey wisps. He wore a lab coat, with a badge hanging from his pocket. I looked down his form as his hastened pace began to slow, his trousers were baggy at the ankles, they were a dark faded grey which almost turned a mouldy green with a yellow chequered pattern. I looked to his face, he was wearing rectangular brown glasses, I couldn't tell his eye colour because his face was bent downward slightly as he studied a clipboard. However I could see the lines across his face, his age and emotion sketched into his skin clearly.

The man to his left was about the same age, however his hair was clearly loosing colour much faster than the man he was closely following. He stared out the windows as they walked but managed to walk in a straight line alongside the other men. He wore no glasses and his face had no features which grabbed my attention. He wore a similar costume, except with bright navy blue trousers, and obviously cheaper shoes.

The man to his right was young, no older than 26 or 27 by my guess. He had dark brown, almost black hair which glistened in the light. He was also studying the clip board, and kept his hand in his coat pocket. He was handsome, a guy girls would stare at across a room and whisper about amongst themselves. His clothes under his jacket were considerably more casual, black jeans and a green polo top with a crest on the left side of the chest.

I forgot that I had been staring at them so when I clicked back to the real world I quickly bent my head down so I didn't draw unwanted attention to myself. I checked my watch, 10:48 Am. I pretended to check my nails and clean them from dirt under them, while watching the men's shoes out of the corner of my left eye. They were close now, their steps loud with echo's following them. I held my breath and didn't move, a stupid habit my shyness forced me into, the idea that if I don't have a single bit of movement people around me won't notice me, or that a statuesque 5 foot 4 girl wouldn't draw attention. They passed me only about 3 feet before they all stopped dead in their tracks. I stiffened, I could feel my blood pressure rising and hear my heartbeat inside my head. I knew my face was going read with my fear, but I forced my head to look up towards where the men had stopped. The white haired man was whispering to his colleague. As the young man glanced back at me for a brief second, but immediately returned facing forward when he realized I was already studying him and his group.

There was were a couple of awkward moments after the men stopped whispering between themselves, followed by some fidgeting, and only the faint rustle of their clothes in the corridor, however for me, my heartbeat still thundered over any outside noise. Then, rather randomly, they all turned round to face me, the way they pivoted barely moving their feet while their entire body spun round kind of creeped me out. Like when someone flatters you to then ask you for a "favour".

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