The Test Room.

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I was lead through winding corridors, it looked like a hospital, doors leading to God knows where, windows to brick walls and blind white lights.

They changed my clothes. I wore a beige jumpsuit with an elastic waist and tight full length sleeves and pockets. I had no shoes and handcuffs, foot shackles and a muzzle on my face. I guess they didn't want to take any chances... 2 men held my arms, Dr Neal, the two other "scientists" and the blond lady walked in front of me, and several were behind me, I'm surrounded.

Suddenly, we stopped. I watched as Dr Neal pulled out a set of keys, hundreds it seemed, I picked one out, how the hell could he tell them apart? I slotted the key in its place, and a loud click echoed across the halls. The lock was heavy and clearly strong, the door it kept shut was steel, with a small window with a diamond pattern across it. I've seen it in hospitals, I know they're used to stop the glass shattering, like putting duct tape in a cross for hurricanes.

We marched through the thresh hold of the door. The next room was pitch black, except for another tiny window, exactly the same as the last, about 20 feet away from us. Besides that tiny bit of light it was black. I couldn't see any walls. It was as if we were in some kind of portal, in between dimensions, but this didn't faze anybody else, I was practically dragged across while gawking at a dark room.

Dr Neal unlocked the next door, how he saw which key to put in or where the key hole was is a mystery to me. Once again we were in white corridors with dead ended windows and hospital stile double doors.

It was only a minute until we all stopped at a door again, this one had a little key pad with a small screen and 2 slots. Dr Neal pressed his finger into the first slot. Then the blond lady placed her card into the second slot. Finally, the man with white hair stepped forward and covered the key pad from everyone's vision and a high pitched beeping from pressing the buttons pierced my ears. Why the hell did it need to take 3 people to unlock a door? What the fuck is in here??

The door swung open, and there was a white room. A room with two doors, a pair of identical doors. Identical to each other and the one we just stepped through. The blond lady hastened to the right door and placed her card in the slot. This is all it took to open this door and with in a second I was being pushed into it.

The room wasn't warm but not cold enough to be uncomfortable. It was brightly lit with dark grey walls, in the centre there was a meal table with a pair of chairs on opposite sides. A loud clanging of metal thundered through the small room and I turned to see not only had the door shut, but there stood him, not Dr Neal, but his, I can only assume, assistant. He didn't smile like I had seen, he weakly curled his mouth into a pathetic excuse for a smile.

He gestured for me to sit at the table as he stepped forward. I lurched back at his sudden movement and raised my hands slightly for protection and to keep him away from me. His eyes shifted nervously at my distrust, but what could he expect? Me to just willingly skip across the room as if nothing were wrong? Fuck no. He stepped around me, keeping as far away from me as he could. I wonder if he saw me lash out earlier and was scared... well at least I'm not at the bottom of the food chain here.

He sat on the chair which was facing away from a mirror and looked down at his lap where his hands were, briefly looking up at me and to the seat opposite him. Apprehensively I made my way towards the chair never letting him out of my direct view. When I grabbed the chair, it was cold, I could feel the brittle paint flaking and peeling off of the body of the chair. Before moving the chair I looked up at the mirror only to see myself and nothing but myself and the room around me. It must be double sided, no way in hell its there for me to admire anything but for others to watch me. My eyes flickered down at the man again, he twiddled his thumbs and shifted uneasily almost constantly. I began to feel bad for him... but I can't he was helping keeping me here. I hate him.

I scraped the chair hard against the floor causing the most God awful screeching to echo of the tiny rooms walls, but I didn't let this affect me while I continued to glare down at him to see his provoked reaction. I flinched violently, tensing every inch of his body. His muscular neck, broad shoulders and big hands all tightened at the ear piercing noise. I felt a small smirk crawl its way across my face and quickly sat down, but my expression changed immediately when I saw his face. A smile, an evil smile etched onto his once somewhat innocent face. A sudden turning in my stomach and pounding in my chest turned the tables of any kind of hierarchy I thought I'd established as he placed his finger tips onto the table between us.

"Miss Wicked." He paused looking me up and down, his smile fading slightly to a small, amused smirk, "I'd like to say thank you on behalf of myself and my superiors, Dr Neal and Dr Kennedy. And welcome, to the Test Room. This is where you will be spending most of your time." His smile was now completely gone, and a blank, emotionless expression was left as a remnant. "Do you have any questions before we continue?" He tilted his head slightly in a playful manor.

"Where am I?"


"That's not an answer."

"It's all the answer I am permitted to give." He rolled his shoulders a little, like he was frustrated with something... what though?

"What do you want with me?"

"We want you as a volunteer to have tests and procedures take on."

"I didn't volunteer to shit!" I said standing up and smashing my hands on the table loudly to try and intimidate him.

"Well, I'm afraid that's not what it says in your contract, it says here you were given the option to join our company in its journey to knowledge, and that no one ever made you get on the stage with Dr Neal." He looked at me innocently as I wrestled with every moral bone in my body not to strangle this prick.

I sat back down heavily and sneered at him. "I don't want to do this."

"You don't even know what "this" is. He retorted, tapping his finger slowly on the edge of the table. "Anything else before I start explaining what your first test will be?"

I paused and thought about this question, I felt the tension and impatiens radiating from him and through the mirror opposite me, where from where I was sitting, I could just see my eyes. "Why are you telling me this, instead of Dr Neal?" I said this bluntly to try and strike a nerve some how with out picking a fight I was clearly going to lose.

"Err-" He stopped. Looking frantically in all directions, it was then when I saw it, a tiny ear piece. He was being told what to say. He was a puppet, he really didn't mean anything, based on that and the way Dr Neal treats him and the other man.

"It's because you don't matter do you." He looked up at me suddenly, he looked shocked and hurt, and angry.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" he practically yelled. I tried not to flinch but I felt my body jolt. I looked down immediately so I wouldn't break under his gaze.

"The way they treat you is appalling, and they won't even let you answer for yourself, they tell you what to do." I looked up but didn't make eye contact, I looked to his right ear to let him know I twigged it. "You're expendable. So they use you instead of risking themselves."

Just like that the door swung open again and there stood Dr Neal and two giant men. Dr Neal raised his hand and in it was a lighter. I looked at him confused, but before I could open my mouth a small clicking fallowed by an excruciating buzzing, and my vision fading back to black.

And I was gone again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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