A New Friend

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Rose and Lily said goodbye to their friends that were staying at Hogwarts before getting onto the train. Lily went to sit with Marlene and Alice. While Rose sat with James, Peter, Remus and Sirius discussing Christmas holiday plans.

James had invited them all to his place for new years and last week of the holidays. They all wanted to go, but Rose don't know if her parents would allow her to go. Mr Evans was very protective and wouldn't want her alone with a bunch of boys for a week. But Rose knew her Mother would allow her to go if she promised to write everyday.

James and Sirius played wizard chest while Peter watched. Remus and Rose were both reading books silently. They were already in muggle clothes for when they reached the station. Mary hooted in her cage and Rose gave her a treat, before she went back to reading.

When they arrive at the station Sirius helped Rose with her trunk, while she carried Mary's cage. Once they were outside she hugged James, Peter and Remus before they went to their parents. It was just Sirius and Rose looking for their families now.

Rose spotted Lily with their Mum as Sirius spotted his Father. When Rose turn to say goodbye he saw him looking at a man. "Is that.." she trailed off staring at the man who looked back at them. Sirius just nodded and hugged his sister goodbye before heading over to the man.

Mrs Evans walked over to her second daughter with Lily following her. She stayed at the man and knew who he was immediately. She hugged Rose and told her it was time to go home. Rose and Lily nodded as they followed their mother to the car. Where their Dad was waiting in the drivers seat already.

Lily and Rose told their parents about Hogwarts and the friends they had made. As predicted Mr Evans wasn't pleased Rose only made best friends with boys. Even though one of them was her half older brother. Lily told them about their dorm mate and friends Alice & Marlene. This cheered their Dad up for the rest of the ride home.

During dinner that night Rose asked if she could go to James's for new years eve and day. Mrs Evans was ok with it as long as she had a talk to his parents first. Rose was thrilled and ran upstairs to owl James.

The next morning her Mum sent her to greet their new neighbors who had a son around her age. Lily got out of going, because she had planed to hang out with Severus and Petunia has already met them.  That is how Rose found herself on her neighbors doorstep knocking.

A boy with dirty blonde hair answered the door and smiled saying hello. "Hi, my name is Rose and I live next door" Rose told the bot pointing to her house. The boy nodded and invited her inside to met his parents.

"My name is John Smith and it is nice to met a beautiful flower like you" he said shaking Rose's hand. She blushed at the compliment as his parents Mr and Mrs Smith entered the room. "Mum, Dad this is Rose she is one of the Evans daughters that went to boarding school." Rose nodded and shook their hands.

"Where is the other daughter that went with you?" Mrs Smith asked politely as they entered the lounge room.

"She is catching up with a friend of hers, you'll met her tonight at dinner" Rose stated. Mrs Evans had organized a dinner with both families for that night. Mrs Smith nodded and Mr Smith asked Rose about school.

"It is a school for gifted youngsters and is somewhere in London" Rose told them and the Smith's nodded. After an hour Rose went home to see if she got a letter from James yet. She got to her room and saw Mary asleep & a letter on her bed.

Once she read it she went downstairs to tell her Mum that James's parents would come over tomorrow to met her. Mrs Evans said that was fine and Rose sent a reply telling James that. Then got ready for dinner with the Smith's and after dinner Rose knew she'd be good friends with John.


Picture of John above

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