A word or two about protection

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As an Atheist, I simply do not believe in "spirits" or malicious "dark entities", but I can tell you from experience that you can infact cause yourself mental and possibly even physical harm if you proceed into this craft unprepared... if you've any fears or uncertainties about proceeding, even though you may not actually believe in these fears...your mind WILL cause them to manifest themselves, and WILL use them to attack you at some point... if you've been subjected to religious dogma all your life and you have demons in the back of your mind... though you may not believe in them, your mind will make them real enough... I have a bit of a theory that having your 3rd eye active and open could possibly even act as an amplifier, essentially intensifying any fears your mind chooses to manifest.

Religious people will often employ various religious symbols and the names of various deities to provide them protection. In my opinion it is not actually the symbol or the deity that has power, but rather this persons belief IN that symbol or deity, their faith allows them to overcome the fear....without the belief, there is no protection.... with the belief... religious people can be some of the most fearless people in the world!

So... what is an Atheist to do? What can we rely on for protection? We certainly cannot rely on "blessings" or religious symbols, or the names of deities we do not believe in... they have no power in our world, we do not believe in the power of their deities or their symbols.... Strength of will, resolve and logic.. THAT is what we have to rely on for protection... we must shape the craft around our beliefs, around US... and what do WE believe in? The power of the human mind, and the strength of the human will..... whatever we get ourselves into, we will dig down and find the resolve to dig ourselves out and then come back and beg for more!

In one of the youtube videos I found about black mirrors, the gentleman started talking about protection and performing a blessing ritual on your mirror by placing a piece of paper with a drawing of a religious symbol behind the glass along with some olive leaves... as an offering of sorts to the deity he was employing for protection..... I found this concept interesting, unnecessary for me as an Atheist occult practitioner, but interesting nonetheless.... on the internet I often represent myself as a Wolf, my favorite animal in the entire world and one I've always felt a deep connection to... I did a bit of googling and managed to find a simple stylized Celtic symbol style drawing of the face of a wolf, I grabbed a sheet of paper and a pencil, drew this symbol on the paper, and put it behind the glass on my black mirror.... essentially symbolizing that I am relying on myself for my protection.

Either way... if you choose to proceed into your own exploration of the occult, I would urge you not to take it too lightly, but at the same time, please put aside your fears.... Stand uncompromising and stalwart in your affirming strengthening beliefs, whatever those may happen to be.

And with that said.... onto the journal! Enjoy!

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