The Journal

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This journal will receive an update after every session, so if you're curious or decide you'd like to keep up, check back here from time to time.... I may include other interesting experiences here that do not necessarily qualify as "scrying" if I believe them to be interesting enough or if I believe them to be related in some way with a session I've recorded here.

8/31/2016(after midnight) - night 1 - candle scrying - tonight in an attempt to reawaken my 3rd eye, I gazed into the flame of a candle in the pitch blackness of my darkened room, I would gaze at the flame and then close my eyes attempting to capture and hold the flame as long as I could in my minds eye several times...... The first thing I seen while gazing into the flame was what appeared to be the classic image of an angel standing in the flames with his wings out, finding myself a bit offended by such blatant christian iconography appearing in images being generated by my own mind being that of an atheist.... I found myself wishing it would change, the angel soon morphed into the image of a majestic phoenix, his wings spread proudly as he stood in the flame. These are the only two images I seen this night... thinking on this now, perhaps the image of the phoenix represented "renewal"? Perhaps the renewal of my journey.. or maybe the renewed activity of my 3rd eye? Possibly even renewed meaning in my life? Who really knows? closing my eyes and trying to capture the flame didn't prove very successful, I was only able to capture fleeting glimpses... I did experience some extreme emotion sometime during this session, almost wanting to cry... perhaps something I seen? Perhaps something in the air? Perhaps the music I had on? who knows?

9/1/2016(after midnight) - night 2 - candle scrying - Still attempting to awaken my 3rd eye again tonight before attempting a session with the black mirror(which the idea of I quite frankly find a little frightening to be honest). My gaze once again finds the candle flame... it took a while for anything to start to appear in the flame, but towards the end of the session a face started to appear above and slightly to the left of the flame, the image appeared in the rays or "aura" of the flame, not in the flame itself... the face seemed to be that of a woman, it was not complete, I only seen the left side of her face and the eerie sparkle of her eyes... I attribute this to my 3rd eye not being completely open yet and unable to form complete images.... i did however manage to hold the flame in my minds eye a bit longer tonight.

Later this night,on my retreat to bed, I thought I'd lay in bed a while with my eyes closed and just try to see what I could see before finally succumbing to sleep, the image of a girl appeared in my minds eye, the best I can describe her is a girl in her 20s with short dark hair, wearing a pleasant smile and a dark hooded robe with the hood down..... I'm not completely certain if this was the face I seen in the flame to be honest, as I didn't get a clear enough look at that particular face...I asked who she was and why I am seeing her... I received no response... her image shortly faded.

9/2/2016(after midnight) - night 3 - candle scrying - thought I'd give this one more try before delving into the black mirror... tonight, staring into the same area of the flame where I saw the face of the female, I seen what appeared to be an older bearded man with unkempt curly hair and beard, he appeared extremely angry, but at times a bit sad... at first his image scared me a bit, but after a while I for some reason began to find his anger humorous.... am I really so lacking of empathy? Or perhaps this man just reminded me so much of myself that I could not help but to find it amusing... being able to relate with him like this... could he possibly have been a symbol representing me?

9/3/2016(after midnight) - night 4 - black mirror scrying - This is it, it's put up or shut up. Time to face the horrifying prospect of seeing a side of my own reflection that I feared may be far uglier than I am willing to face. My curious nature however simply would not allow me to back out of this... fortunately it's Friday night, and I'm always up for a good scare and a bit of creepiness on the weekends. Halloween is my favorite holiday, sci-fi and horror are my favorite movie genres.... this has me written all over it, time to swallow my fear and look it right in the eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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