Part 1: A Girl In The Past

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Hi guys quick thing.. There will be no authors note unless There is something important that is happening so.. Yea

Y/N- Your Name
E/C- Eye Color


My family was long gone...I have nobody to love Love is a sickness that cannot be cured, I learned that a long time ago

"Mommy?.. Mommy?!"
Screamed echoed around you
"Y/N.. Run, far far away from here"
"B-But Mommy!" Tears slipping down your face
"GO!" mom yelled. As you are started running you looked back and saw what would scar your life forever... You mother, Lying on the ground. Blood. Pain. Suffering. All hope is lost were the words that you thought at that moment.


(???) "I swore I saw her go this way! Scout the area!"
"Whew. I thought I was a goner.." you say as you jump from tree to tree not noticing someone was watching you. 'hmm I thought I just saw someone but... I don't see them, never mind then'

??? POV

I've been watching this girl for a while now... But. She seems to be running from something, or someone for that matter. I wonder who? "Aaron?!" Crap it's Aph.. I start walking toward her but something isn't right..... Wait. Out of the corner of my eye... I see a little someone peeking from the trees..... as it comes closer and closer I pretend not to hear or even see it until... "Boo!" I start laughing as Aphmau fell to the ground when Malachi and Levin jump from the trees onto the ground and scare Aph... "Jeez you guys! Don't have to do all that!" I say while picking aphmau back on her feet.

"Were you guys following us???" I say pointing a finger at both of them. "Nooo stranger we didn't.... I think.??? :3" they both say. I say " Oh well guys you've gotta pay for that huh?" they both gulp at my words. I see that Aph is smiling and even chuckling a little bit. I start to walk very slow up to them and they step back, making me go faster, and faster until I'm chasing them up and down the path. Once I catch them I start tickling them and I receive laughter's and tears of joy falling down from their eyes. "Alright are we done here?" Aph asked. " Yes Lady Aphmau your orders to hunt down these criminals have been carried out." then we both start laughing.

( Play Music when it says *SNAP*... don't think you will miss that... xD)
I.. Heard laughter, in the forest, but... not he kind that was evil or trying to kill you
it was... happiness?? I start walking towards the sound.. till. *SNAP* oops *facepalm* I STEPPED ON A FRICKIN STICK! REALLY?!
THIS HAD TO BE HAPPENING NOW?! I turn to run but a girl, with black hair and amber eyes pins me down on a tree.. "beautiful" i say... WAIT DID I JUST SAY THAT??
I feel her grip loosen... I notice and run... running is all I've done... why cant i have a home? A Friend? is what I think about while i run..... until i hear more footsteps.... and even more.... i stopped in curiosity to see how many their are... but only to be pinned on a tree by a masked man with a hood... with no shirt? (He is soooo much like grey from FairyTale!!) Jeez put on a shirt. Welp they did say curiosity killed the cat.... i HOPE that satisfaction can bring it back... as i am pinned to the tree i now see 5 guards and 2 children...... but the thing is one of the guards looked like a Lord... ehh.... putting that aside he is still pinning me to a wall.... The hard with Light carmel hair and green eyes starts walking up to me with his sword.... I Guess Curiosity Will kill the cat... hehehehe

??? POV

Who is she?? I think while slowly walking towards her, she... has this aura that i cant explain... nor shadow knight or Jury of nine... its like she is both. But how is that possible?! As i start getting closer her mask hid her eyes but her mouth shows a grin..... I wonder what *THUD*

Aphmau's POV

"Laurence!!" I yell as i see him collapse onto the ground. She, is a monster! Why would she do such a thing?! I saw Aaron hold her tighter against the tree... she-she "TAKE HER TO THE VILLAGE PRISON AND LOCK HER UP" I yell, i know i wouldnt say such a thing to someone i just met.. but that SOMEONE HURT MY GUARD! As Aaron puts her hands behind her back and pushes her off back on the path Dante picks Laurence up and throws him over his shoulder, I-I cant even see why she would do that... i REALLY want to punch her.... "you know what??" i say and everyone stops and looks, except her... I start walking up to her and we stand looking straight into each others eyes. *POW* I-I Punched her, and she didnt even flinch... "Dont EVER touch one of my guards or hurt them..." wow... even with a little blood in her mouth she didn't flinch at THAT? COME ON EVEN AARON FLINCHED AT THAT!!

Aaron's POV

*POW* W-What happened??? I flinched and closed my eyes but didn't see..... Oh My Irene .... Aphmau punched her and she didnt even flinch... wow, that just made this whole walk awkward.... even with that mask i can tell she has been through alot.... hmm i do wonder what she looks like sometimes... ehh....that doesn't matter now.... we need to keep moving. As Aphmau is also shocked i look at her and she looks at me.. she knows that we have to keep on going before night.. so we walk... again.....

Her Light.  Aaron X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now