Part 12: Hello Daughter

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Song: Castle
Play Whilst Reading (ENGLISH HAHA! I KNOW IT!)


A tear slides down my face as he pulls back. I go to wipe the tear away but a hand stops me from my actions. My eyes go wide. More tears fall down my face as I cry into his shoulder soaking his vest. He pats my back as we both let our feelings out. My heart is beating fast. It hurts as well to see him so sad. Why does my heart flutter?


Soon enough we fell asleep, not caring about the burning world around us, instead feeling safety and not caring about our worries. It Feels Safe.

In The Morning

My eyes flutter open as I focus on the scene around me, I start to focus on a figure in front of me, seeming mad. I look up to see Aaron peacfully sleeping. As I try to get up I am pushed to the wall and pinned. I now notuce that the figure has black hair and amber brown eyes. Its Aphmau. She punches me in the jaw and kicks me in the stomach earning a grunt.

Then continues to kick me. I cough up blood and open my eyes but quickly shut them when a excruciating pain reaches my shoulder, I look at my arm and see that the bone has been popped out. I scream as I crawl back and try to touch my arm but instead end up whimpering. Aaron wakes up once I screamed and took one look at me then Aphmau. "What do you think you are doing?!" He yells at Aphmau. "..." "ANSWER ME!"

Aaron screams at Aphmau getting her to respond in a quite manner "s-she hurt me!" Aphmau is dumb if she think Aaron will fall for this innocent act. "yeah right! She is more hurt than you!" he response with anger filling his words as he spoke. He gently picks me up bridal style as I feel heat come up to my face but is quickly hidden from my bandana over my eyes. I grunt as he tries to move my arm that is broken. He notices the bone sticking out.

He carries me into Kawii-chans house and knocks on the door. "It's me Kawii-Chan. Please open the door" Aaron speaks through the door. KC(I'm lazy, it means Kawii-Chan) opens the door and quickly responded to seeing me injured, "Oh my goodness! What happened to Y/N~Chan?!" "Cant explain here, people will question." Aaron replies as he looks around at all the  villagers looking at me. The pain Is horrible. When Aaron laid me down on the couch It hurt like hell. I couldnt move or else I would faint. But I had to. I tried to sit up but was soon engulfed in darkness after hearing my name being called.

Aaron's POV

As I walk back into the room where Y/N was I could tell she was trying to sit up. I was about to help her lay back down seeing that she is in no state to be moving, but she faints as I call her name in worry "Y/N!" I quickly run over to her and catch her before she hits her head on the arm of the couch. I place her back into her recent position and Place a moist(( ಠ益ಠ)) towel on her head. I look at her peaceful state and kiss her for head. But something seems wrong.

Y/N Pov





AC-Should I keep updating the book? Idk.


AC- ...


AC- How is Life?

A-Good, How About You?

AC- What Life Are You Asking Me About?

A- (¬_¬)

AC- (σ՞ਊ՞)σ

A- ( ಠ益ಠ)

AC- (T_T)

A- Friendship Hug?\(^o^)/

AC- Friendship Hug. (。>﹏<。)

Both- Pat Pat. (^u^)(・∀・)

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