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I just realised how crappy this was before I edited it today T-T.....*2 minutes later* WTF?! I put Shadowstar in one place which would have been an I or something......Well....Future thinking?

"Ashmist has been convinced that Sunfang is eating food before serving her clan.Then more of the clan is blaming each other for things.Even Fawnpaw and Lionpaw have been accusing their clanmates of things." Shadowstar slowly muttered to himself, "Why can only one of the litter be calm about this?" sighing he lay down on Highrock.
"Maybe its because she has her friend with her? She has always been happy when Whitepaw is around" purred Eveningfur, coming up the rock.
"Maybe..."Shadowstar sighed, "Nightpaw has always been a calm one,Fawnpaw and Lionpaw have always been in competition since they could get out of the nursery." The grey-black leader just sighed and watched the chaos that the clan is coming to.

Watching Shadowstar looking around the chaotic clan with a depressed look, Nightpaw could share his concern.The clan is splitting apart since the accusations are spreading.Even Fawnpaw and Lionpaw are joining in with the accusations. Nightpaw and Whitepaw stick to the side.Looking to the side to see Fawnpaw and Lionpaw walking towards them arguing,but not in their brother and sister way."Lionpaw,I know you did it! Confess that you have been eating before the clan,I wont tell!" Fawnpaw mewed
"Fawnpaw,I didn't do anything! If its anyone it'd be you!" Lionpaw retorted.She couldn't take it,seeing her sister and brother argue over something so stupid,Nightpaw was just fueled off anger towards them "Will you two just quit it? This accusation thing is between the warriors,it has nothing to do with apprentices! We are here to train not to argue with the cats moons older than us! So shut your muzzles and leave the bickering to the warriors!" Nightpaw growled.Lionpaw seemed taken aback by her sudden outburst.Fawnpaw just snorted and sat down, but keeping her mouth shut."Nightpaw...You've never growled at anyone!" Whitepaw exclaimed.
"Yeah,Nightkit!" Fawnpaw hissed.Nightpaw just growled and stalked off,not looking back.'Why can't we all be at peace?' Whitepaw questioned herself,'What has happened to this clan?'.

Sundown was approaching and Nightpaw had burnt off her anger.Though Fawnpaw was still furious about Nightpaw...Whitepaw went to the fresh-kill pile to pick out a vole for Nightpaw and herself to share.Then she noticed Fallenkit staring at her from the nursery entrance. It was like he was trying to burn holes into her white pelt. Nightpaw noticed Fallenkit staring at Whitepaw and let out a purr of amusement.She tried not to notice Fallenkit and picked up the vole and wandered up to Nightpaw."Fallenkit adores you,you know? He's always asking me when you'll be back from a patrol or training."She purred.I just stood there "Really?" Whitepaw mewed,astonished."Yes,no matter where you are he'll ask where you are and when you'll get back."Nightpaw said in amusement.'Maybe I should start paying more attention to him?' I wondered. 'Nightpaw seemed to have taken Fallenkits brother already....Maybe I should pay more attention to kits?'

The first rays of sunlight were seeping through the den entrance,Whitepaw wasn't in her nest. "Must've been on Dawn Patrol" Nightpaw mumbled."Nightpaw? We've got to start training early today,so get something to eat and we can go" Firestrike called from the entrance to the apprentice den."Yes, Firestrike." Nightpaw called back,hauling herself out of her nest. Clambering out of the den and into the clearing,it took a while for her eyes to adjust to the light.When they did Nightpaw padded over to the fresh-kill pile,and picked out a plump thrush.She chomped down on it when as soon as she sat down. Noticing Fallenkit staring at her from the nursery.He knew he couldn't leave until later,but his eyes told Nightpaw his question.Finishing off the thrush she padded over to the nursery "I think she went on dawn patrol I don't know when she'll get back.Answer your question?" He nodded, "See you later Fallenkit." She called,padding over to her mentor."I'm ready" Nightpaw purred cheerfully, "What are we going to practice today?" the she-cat asked."Just some normal moves,and a bit of hunting.You and Whitepaw are close to being ready for your assessment with your brilliant hunting skills and fast learning,I just need to evaluate how far that will be with what you have learnt so far." Firestrike responded.

"Hey Whitepaw!" Nightpaw mewed walking into camp,"Did you know our assessment is going to be close?".Whitepaw looked at her surprised."Really?!" She mewed,excited."Yes,really" Nightpaw replied."We should probably go do our duties though,before Ashmist basically claws our ears off". Whitepaw snorted. "Again."

"The return of a lost one,and the power of a close one. They together will harmonize." Eveningfur recited Nightwhisper's words. Sighing she curled up into her nest. "What will it take to figure this out?" She questioned. Knowing Starclan cannot share anything more they know about it, Eveningfur knew she'd have to figure it out alone. But who is lost? who's close? and harmonize what? Was her last question before she slipped into a dreamless darkness.


Only chapter 5 to rewrite......YAYY that means I can move onto chapter 13

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