Chapter Two

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Jim woke to an empty bed.

He frowned as he tried to remember if Spock had gone to bed with him last night, he was pretty sure he did.

This would be their final day on the ship and they had pretty much spent the entire time just lazing around.

Jim stretched and decided he should probably go find Spock, so he got up and dressed - uselessly looking around the small room.

You know, just incase Spock was hiding in a corner or something.

He looked in the little bathroom first, just in case Spock was just there - and he wasn't.

He opened the door and looked down the corridors, deciding to go left when there was still no trace of Spock.


"This is the captain speaking, we will be arriving at Vulcan in twenty minutes, everyone who is not on duty should return to their quarters. Good day."

Jim had been walking for almost half an hour when the message came through and there was still no sign of Spock.

A frown creased his forehead and he started heading back to their quarters in the hope that he would be back there.

He arrived less the five minutes later and opened the door to a pacing Spock.

"Jim!" he cried, immediately wrapping him in a tight embrace. "Where have you been?"

Jim put his arms around Spock shoulders "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you - I was actually looking for you" he said and Spock buried his face in the crook of his neck.

"Sorry, just give me a second" he muttered and Jim started rubbing his back comfortingly. "Of course".

They stayed like that for a while before Spock pulled away, catching Jim's hands in his own.

"Apologies. I should have left a note to say where I had gone - I was sorting out details for when we arrive. When I came back and you were gone - I thought something had happened to you." he explained.

Jim smiled to show that he understood and leaned forwards to capture Spock's lips briefly.

Spock's face relaxed even more and he pressed his forehead against Jim's after they broke away, his eyes still closed.

"I love you so much" he muttered and Jim beamed. "Aww, I love you too Spock" he replied happily.

"This is the captain speaking. We are currently orbiting Vulcan, anyone who wishes to beam down should report to the transporter room immediately"

"Shall we?" Jim asked, offering his arm playfully to Spock - who took it with a confused frown.

"Yes, let's go"


The first thing that struck Jim when they beamed down to the planet's surface was the heat.

Vulcan's sun was beating down on them and within seconds he could feel sweat trickling down the back of his neck.

The second thing that struck him was the air itself, it was drier then what he was used to and he felt like he was almost suffocating, like he couldn't get enough oxygen.

Spock on the other hand just closed his eyes and took a deep breath in as the familiar planet filled his senses. The smells, the dry air, the heat - everything he had grown up with and lacked while he was on earth.

"Spock!" A female voice cried out and they both turned to see someone hurrying towards them.

As she got closer Jim saw with some shock that she was a human, like him.

The woman threw her arms around Spock neck and hugged him tightly, while he stood stiff and embarrassed and Jim tried not to glare.

"Mother" he implored, and Jim felt his jealousy disappearing, to be replaced with amusement at Spock's expression and confusion about the woman. So this is Spock's mother, a human?

"Shhh, I thought I would never see you again after we lost contact. And you must be Jim!" She went from worried to excited within seconds. "Aww, Spock - you were right, he is cute"

Spock flushed and I grinned at his embarrassment. "Nice to meet you Ma'am" I tried to keep the grin up but I felt my amusement switching to anxiety, I did not expect to meet the parents this soon.

"Please, call me Amanda" she corrected me and gave me a brief but tight hug.

"Ah! The bonding! Planning, we have to plan - I can't wait, I'm so glad Spock finally found someone" she practically squealed and Spock out a calming hand on her shoulder.

"Mother, please - Perhaps give him at least a few days before you completely overwhelm him."

Jim was relieved that Spock had intervened, he was beginning to feel very lightheaded and like he might pass out.

He swayed slightly and Spock grabbed his arm to steady him. "Jim!?!" He panicked "what's wrong?"

"I - I don't know" Jim replied in confusion, hanging onto Spock for support.

"Oh - I almost forgot, it's the atmosphere messing with him Spock - he should adjust anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. You should get him out of the heat - you booked a place with air conditioning didn't you?" Amanda explained and Spock nodded in confirmation.

"Come on, I parked just over here" Jim heard Amanda as if she was speaking through water - Spock was supporting most of his weight by this point.

He remembered getting into a vehicle and leaning against Spock, and then - nothing.

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