Chapter Seventeen

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Jim slowly edged into the dark room and almost gasped in shock.

Normally Spock kept everything neat and perfect, but this was a complete mess. Furniture had been knocked over and their things had been thrown in all directions.

Glass was scattered across the floor and Jim stepped over it carefully. He went and peeked behind the curtains to see if Spock had arrived yet, pausing briefly on his way to stand a knocked over chair up.

He hadn't arrived, and Jim let the curtain fall shut again to cover up the cracked, blood stained window - presumably where Spock had punched it.

Jim walked into the bathroom, which was in a similar state. Remembering what Amanda had told him about Vulcans weirdness about scent he stripped off his clothes and threw them into a corner.

He had a shower then went into the bedroom, throwing on a clean pair of loose pants. He went to grab a shirt but hesitated, then following his Spock instincts went over to Spock's wardrobe and pulled on one of his plain black shirts.

It was a bit big on Jim but it was comfortable, and warm.

He walked over to the messy bed and lay down, realising with a sigh that was partly disappointed and partly relieved that Spock might be a while.

He just hoped that he would come home before doing anything rash with Taurik and Saavik.


Spock felt helpless.

He didn't know what to do, he was so close to his mate, his Jim. Maybe if he had checked the temple sooner he would have Jim with him now.

He had searched the area for hours but Jim was nowhere to be found. He was never going to give up, but he was starting to feel like he would never see him again.

He opened the door to their residence slowly, taking a deep breath in and mentally steeling himself for another sleepless night alone.

Something had changed.

Spock looked around the room quickly, there. A chair had been moved.

Someone had been here.

Spock let out a growl of anger and warning to anyone who might still be around.

Someone had been here messing with his things, with Jim's things. That would not be tolerated.

He strained his ears and picked up the soft sound of something shifting in the bedroom. He let out another growl and stalked towards the room.

He flung the door open and there, on their bed with his back turned, sat his mate.

Spock sagged against the door frame, his shaking legs suddenly unable to support him.

"Jim," he breathed in relief and Jim lowered his head. "Spock," he mumbled in a shaky whisper.

All of his anger and despair left him right then, and sadness washed over him as he realised what he needed to do.

He just wanted Jim to be happy, safe.

He sunk to his knees and didn't even try to stop the tears from leaving his eyes.

"I am so sorry that I could not be what you wanted me to be."

Jim finally turned to face him and it killed Spock to see how scared he was, scared of him.

"I will return to my parents house, you are welcome to stay here until we find something more permanent for you. We will support you financially for as long as you need, and will help you until you are completely adjusted to Vulcan. Or if you prefer we can organise transport to another planet. Just...... Please, let me know that you are safe."

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