Chapter Nine

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A/N Happy New Year guys! Are you ready for 2017?

"This is the historic museum of Vulcan, there are other, smaller museums scattered around Vulcan but this one is the largest. We can enter it now if you like, however it will prevent us finishing the tour because of how late it is already."

Jim tore his eyes away from the beautiful structure to meet Spock's questioning gaze.

"Another day perhaps?" He suggested and Spock nodded in agreement, touching his arm briefly to indicate which way they were going next.

"Is there a church or something?" Jim wondered aloud as they strolled down the street and Spock paused, looking puzzled.

"What is a church?" He asked and Jim though for a moment, turning to Spock as they stopped.

"Umm, it's usually a pretty main part of towns on earth, it's where religious stuff is done. The council in general don't believe in religion so it was a pretty safe place for the rebels. It's also where humans usually get married." Jim laughed uncomfortably and scratched his neck. "There probably isn't one, I was just curious."

Spock was silent for a second before turning and beginning to walk in a different direction to where they had originally been going.

Jim hurried to catch up with him and they only walked for a few minutes before Spock came to a stop out the front of an elegant structures

It was quite tall compared to most of the other structures in the city, and was the same earthy brown and red colours as everything on the planet.

"It is not exactly how you described a 'church', but this is a place many Vulcans come to meditate. It was built in a way that many, Vulcans and non-Vulcans alike, find peaceful. Bondings do not take place here, they are generally outside in a more isolated area. Anyway, it is always open if you need somewhere to go"

Jim smiled up at Spock to silently thank him for understanding, he spent a fair bit of time at church back on earth, even though he wasn't massively religious he found peace sitting in the quiet, airy buildings and thinking things over.

"Would you like to proceed?" Spock offered and Jim nodded, brushing Spock's shoulder with his own slightly as they began walking side by side again.


"Just a sec Spock" Jim panted, stopping to lean against a post.

"Are you feeling alright?" Spock worried, his eyes raking over the sheen of sweat covering Jim's bare arms, legs and face.

"Yeah, it's just hot. I'll be right, just give me a moment." He put more weight against the post and put all his effort into steadying his breathing, shocked at how quickly he had gone from being fine to feeling like the sun was going to kill him.

"Perhaps now would be an appropriate time to stop the tour, have dinner and go home" Spock suggested, his expression relaxing when Jim straightened up, having gotten his breath back at last.

"Sounds good, sorry about killing the tour," Jim apologised and Spock glanced at him.

"Your health and comfort is more important than a tour, I can show you around more another day if that is what you wish." Jim could see the confusion on his face as he said this and felt his heart leap.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked Spock and heard his breath hitch slightly and a small sigh escape him.

"I was aware, however it does please me immensely to hear it." Jim grinned at this and bumped their shoulders together again, getting another confused glance from Spock which just made him laugh.


Spock was right, the food in the place he took Jim to was amazing, and Jim had to concentrate on listening to Spock, otherwise all his attention would be on the food.

He didn't even know what the dish was called, much less what it had in it, but Spock had suggested that he might like it so Jim got it.

It was relatively plain, like all the Vulcan food Jim had tried (minus a few dishes that Amanda had added spices to - and damn that woman could cook) and had no meat, but Jim barely noticed. It was still probably one of the best things he had ever tasted.

"You are enjoying it?" Spock questioned and Jim nodded enthusiastically, his mouth full.

"It's probably the best thing I've tasted" He said and Spock nodded, looking satisfied.

"I am glad that it pleases you"

They finished their dinner in silence and left the restaurant, beginning their walk home in silence.

They were nearing the outskirts of the city when Jim felt a shiver race up his spine.

He tried to brush it off and just moved a little closer to Spocks side, deciding that it was probably nothing.

They walked about twenty more meters before the source of Jim's discomfort made its self known.

A male Vulcan stepped out of the shadows in front of them and Jim immediately recognised him.

It was the same Vulcan that he saw outside of Amanda and Sarek's house just after he arrived at Vulcan, the one that had been watching them.

Jim and Spock froze, Spock clearly recognising him as well.

"Spock." The strangers voice was cold and flat, he spoke in the same manner as most Vulcans but Jim and Spock both heard the silent challenge beneath.

"Stonn" Spock's voice was hard and Jim knew he would have flinched it it was directed at him, but the Vulcan - Stonn - didn't look affected.

"Are you going to introduced me to your.... Friend, or are you just going to stand there glaring?" Stonn's question was directed at Spock but his eyes were glued to Jim, raking over him hungrily.

Jim shivered uncomfortably again and shifted closer still to Spock, so that their sides brushed slightly.

"This is Jim, my mate. Not that it is any of your concern." Jim could feel Spock bristling with anger but could only watch helplessly as the scene unfolded.

"Mate? Yet you are not bonded. I believe that this human would make an adequate mate for me."

Spock growled deep in his throat as Stonn took a step towards Jim.

He put an arm in front of Jim and pushed him behind him, glaring at the other Vulcan.

"He is mine!" He growled loudly and Jim touched his wrist reassuringly, making sure to stay behind him, sensing that was what Spock needed.

By this point a few people had stopped to watch the dispute, the Vulcans looking deadly serious while a couple from another race watched with wide eyes.

"Negative. He does not belong to you until you have bonded. I too wish to bond with this human. Kal-if-fee. Do you accept?"

"I do" Spock replied, the eery shift in his tone from angry to calm making Jim tighten his grip on his wrist.

"Very well. Is this time, three days from now, acceptable?" Stonn's voice was the same calm tone as Spock's and Jim glanced between them, desperately trying to determine exactly what was going on.

"That is acceptable" Stonn's eyes slid from Spock back to Jim, dismissing Spock. "I look forward to getting to know you Jim." He said quietly and Jim was silent, glaring at him.

He didn't know exactly what just happened, but he was positive it wasn't good.

Stonn nodded to them and turned, walking away without another word.

The people who had stopped to watch moved on as well, muttering quietly to each other or just looking grim.

"Spock, what did he mean?" Jim asked Spock, who was still glaring in the direction that Stonn had disappeared.

"I shall explain when we get home" Spock withdrew his arm but loosely wrapped his long fingers around Jim's wrist, making sure that he was touching just that small part of Jim the rest of the way to their home.

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