Castle of Lions?

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"(Y/N)...(Y/N) is my name..I'm a pilot and I have some medical experience."

After you had answered his question, you didn't talk much at all. He tried to make conversation but failed.The awkward air started to feel tense. You rested your head somewhere that was "comfortable". You could feel the hum of the ship. It's soft vibration massaged your head, and it suddenly felt warm and cozy. You couldn't help but drift off to sleep.
You awoke in a small, all white room resting on a soft bed. You tucked your behind your ear, confused. You rubbed your tired eyes and sat up, your blanket still wrapped around you.

The door automatically slid open once you walked up to it. Unexpectedly, on the other side of the door, was a man with red hair, and wearing some kind of blue and white uniform. His eyes widened with surprise at the sight of you. He wasted no time greeting you. He bowed his head and looked back up at you.

" My name is Coran. And welcome! To the Castle of Lions!"

He smiled as he flung his hand in the opposite direction, dispite the only sight you could see was a plain white hall. He looked back with a big smile to see your reaction. You just looked confused and kind of annoyed.


"O-on with the tour!"

He gave out a nervous laugh as he progressed forward. You hesitantly followed him through the hall. As you went down that same, plain white hall, there were doors to other rooms. Were there other people here? How did YOU even get here.. Did that chubby guy drop you off? You barely listened to Coran as he dragged you from room to room. So much was zooming through your head. Was your ship and crew ok? How will you get back home? Are you home? Is this some hospital? Why were you here? You started to shake and get paler with each thought. They became worse and worse, you even dared to ask "Will I ever see home again?" You shook your head.

Stop thinking like that (Y/N)...everything's'll be fine..

You still hadn't been paying attention to Coran going on and on about Altean history and how this place was built, and how each room played an important role in how the ship functioned.

"And last but not least, the control room! This is how we navigate the ship, look for information, and much more!"

You were suddenly interested as you realized this place was a ship. You'd never seen a ship of this size before!

"Wait this place is a ship??!?"

"Yes, yes, I already told you this! Were you even paying attention??"

You gave him a crooked smile as he stared you down in frustration. Before he could begin to scold you, loud noise came from the other side of the ship. You both ran over, just to find huge robotic lions with their mouths wide open, people stepping out. Were those lions some kinds of ships?? You looked up at Coran in confusion. He laughed at your confused expression and pat you on the back.

"Don't worry young lady, these are merely the pallidans of the Voltron Lions!"

You perked up at the word 'Voltron'. Voltron is real? You thought it was just some child's tale to give people like you hope that the Galra won't always be in control. You rolled your eyes as they each walked out, the one who drive the Blue Lion trying to look cool.

The one that caught your attention however, was the one who drove the Yellow Lion. Was that...Hunk? Figures. He did tell you he was the Pallidan of the Yellow Lion.

Well, at least you knew why it was called the Castle of Lions.

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