No Turning Back

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Species after species was taken to their home planets after the Galra had attacked their ships. Eventually you were the last one. They set a course for your home planet and said it would only take a few hours to arrive. You nodded and smiled.

"You should go relax. I don't think your friends and family would appreciate to see you so tense."

Allura pat your back reassuringly with a warm smile. You scratched the back of your head as you flushed a little. It was an honor to be in her presence. You clenched your bandaged arm. It took quite some damage after the explosion. It wasn't broken or anything, just bloody enough to be slightly fatal. You sat down on the couch in a lounging room, curling up in a blanket nearby. You slowly started to drift off to sleep when the loud sound of the doors woke you right up.

"Hey (Y/N), Hunk has some food for you in the kitchen. He says grab it while it's still hot."

It was Lance. You rolled your eyes and hesitated to get up as he left, obviously not giving a cate about you. You sighed and sat up, rubbing your tired eyes. You walked out of the lounging room in a very slpuchy, tired way. You stood in the doorway of the kitchen, waiting for Hunk to respond to your presence. He must not have seen you, because he kept staring at the floor biting his nail with his arms crossed. You fake coughed to get his attention.  He looked up and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"H-hey! I made a little something for you before you leave."

"Why though.."

He shrugged.

"Why not."

You ignored him and stared down at the dish before you. It looked like something salvaged off of some other planet..probably was. It looked like some form of meat with herbs, spices, and rubs covering it's surface. You didn't care how much you didn't trust these people. You were hungry, tired, and wanted to go home. Why not get your fill before you head home. You UT into the meat, making it's smell much more strong. You could feel your mouth watering. You ate the small pice you had cut off. You froze.

"Is something wrong?"

Hunk looked at you, somewhat confused, and self concious that you disposed the dish. You had your positioned in such a way that he couldn't see your face. You looked up at him with an amazed expression, still chewing. He laughed at that.

"I'm glad you like it!"

He smiled, placing a hand on his hip. He sat down next to you, eating a dish he had made for himself. Within minutes, you had devoured the delicious meal. You looked at him and smiled.

"That...was good.."

You were at a somewhat loss of words at how amazing the food was. He had finished his meal, belching with a toothpick in his teeth. He smiled at your comment. You both sat there for some time, taking everything in. Hunk finally broke the silence.

"So...what now?"

You shrugged.

"Maybe watch a movie? Train? I don't know..I'll be leaving soon so I recommend we stay on the ship."

Before he could respond, the intercom came on as Coran's voice came on.

"((Y/N)), we're gonna need you to come to the's important."

And with that it turned off. You looked at Hunk. He had a worried expression on his face. You shrugged and assumed they just wanted you to start getting least you hoped.

You got up to head to front, Hunk following. He waited in the doorway as you walked in. Before you was a screen, it looked like somewhere deep in space. On screen were three crushed up planets, Coran and Allura wearing grim expressions. You tilted your head to the side as Allura zoomed in on one of the planets.

"That. That right there is..."

"Is what..?"

She started to look as if she were about to cry. Coran held her tight and looked up at you.

"That. Is your home planet."

You suddenly felt an indescribable feeling. Something that you had never felt before. Overwhelming amounts of sorrow didn't even begin to describe it. Your knees felt weak, your eyes started to water, and you clenched your stomach, feeling like coughing up the perfect meal Hunk made you. You backed away, tears falling from your eyes.

"N-no...there...there must be a..a mistake!!"

They didn't respond. You didn't want to break down in front of them, so you ran right past Hunk and into your bedroom. You collapsed on the floor as realization hit you.

There's no turning back now.

Just A Little More Than Friends ((Hunk x Reader))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora