Cheer Up

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It had been a couple days since you found out your planet had been destroyed. You felt like dying. You didn't eat. You didn't sleep. You didn't use the bathroom. You did nothing but sit in your room. Everyone had a go at getting you to come out.

Everyone except Hunk that is. He was off visiting another alien and her family. Shay was her name you thought. He had finally come back after a couple days.

Now it's his turn to try.


You were set in the corner of your room, curled up in a blanket. The room was spotless aside from your weapons on the bed, practically nothing had been touched. You thought about your family and how your mother would make this special soup. It kinda tasted like cheese and gravy. You forgot the name but thought it was delicious. You started to tear up as you thought about other things. Like how you and your siblings would pretend to be warriors and fight eachother. Or how you and your family would sometimes all sleep in the same room. Or how you and your mom would go shopping together.

Or how..

Or how you and your father would sometimes sit at the top of a hill and gaze at the stars. You loved that so. You wished that you could just do that one more time. last time..

You curled up even tighter into your blanket and started to sob again. The door to your room suddenly slid open, and in stepped someone...but who..?


Of course...


You didn't move. You actually ended up blocking out what he was saying as you thought more and more about home. You sobbed again. You clutched the blankets fluffy fabric so tightly your hands started to shake. You felt like collapsing on the floor. Your head hung low as you stared at the tears that fell to the ground. You were sucked back into reality when you felt something firmly grip your shoulder. You turned to Hunk, tears still in your eyes. You still didn't say anything.

He gave an inward sigh and thought long and hard about how to cheer you up. He figured you didn't wanna talk so he left really quick to go write something down. He came back in and hung the note with some tape just above your head so you could see.

Meet me in the kitchen in about an hour.

He left you with your thoughts. You figured you should at least consider the offer. Yes you were pretty much grieving, but you had to come out at some point. You let yourself cry some more just to get it all out. And, for the first time in a couple days, you stood up, the blanket still wrapped around you. You stepped out to see Pidge and Lance stopped midway as they walked down the hall. Of course you opened your door right as they were passing by. Pidge gave a crooked smile and waved as Lance stared in surprise and somewhat disgust.

You were a total mess. You had cried so much that huge, dark, bags had formed under your eyes.  Your hair was ragged and messy, and your body looked weak and shaky, that being part of the reason why you wrapped the blanket around you. You sniffed to try and break the awkward silence. Pidge had finally stopped staring at you and looked at Lance's disgusted face. He shoved his elbow into Lance's chest and pulled him along. You walked towards the kitchen, trying to avoid everyone else. You arrived at the kitchen, an enticing smell peering around the corner.

You sniffed the air, the smell indescribable. Amazingly indescribable. You figured it had been a little less than an hour and looked around the corner. Your eyes widened as you laid your eyes upon delicacies from all over the Galaxy. You swore you could feel yourself drooling. Hunk turned everything off and cleaned up, adding finishing touches, taste testing, and just trying to make this amazing meal absolutely perfect. He stood back and smiled at his hard work. He turned around to go get you, but was surprised to see you hiding behind the corner. He gave you a smile and chuckled and held out his hand.

"Cmon, I promise it'll taste good."

You didn't doubt it. You grabbed his hand as firmly as you could and shuffled over to the table. He sat you down on one end and sat next you. Soon everyone else came in, one at a time. Everytime someone tried to reach for food Hunk would slap their hand away and tell them to wait. It made you chuckle when he did so to Lance. Lance sat back folding his arms and talking under his breath. Once everyone had sat down, he gave them permission to dig in. Everyone turned into savage animals over Hunk's food.



"yes, it, IS!!"

You and Hunk sat back and ate as Lance and Keith bickered over the last piece of this fluffy biscuit type food. Everyone got up to try and pry them away from eachother but it was no use. Hunk looked down at you as you boredly ate your food. It was good food, you thought, couldn't help but think of home. You acted bored to help prevent crying, but you could feel the lump in your throat. You looked up at Hunk to see him looking down at you. He sighed and grabbed your hand.

"Come with me, I wanna show you something."

You hesitantly got up and walked with him. He led you to a dome like room. It was a very white, well lit room. You clutched the blanket and felt anxious about the massive size of the dome. You looked back at Hunk as he was messing with a control panel. He smiled and walked away from it, standing next to you. The dome like room split open, revealing the beautiful galaxy made up of colorful swirls and splatters and smudges. You couldn't stop staring the beautiful stars as they slowly swirled and danced across the dome.

"Pretty? Isn't it"

Hunk looked and you, a warm, understanding smile on his face. You broke into tears and hugged him tightly. You couldn't help it. He reminded you so much of your father. You sobbed as you both sat on the floor and kept staring at the beautiful painting before you. You looked up and smiled at him, still crying.

"Y-Yeah. Pretty."

You leaned on his side and kept staring at the sky. He rubbed your head and stared with you. You couldn't help but feel sleepy. The peacefully beautiful sky, Hunk's warm and rubbing your face, you couldn't help your eyes as they began to slowly shut. What a great way to fall asleep.

Just A Little More Than Friends ((Hunk x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now