Chapter 2: The Hacker

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Joe, an ordinary robot ran to gym class with the fear that he was going to be late. He ran through the door the second the bell rang. "Ok, kids. Today we will be doing basketball." Said the robot P.E. Teacher. Then Joe grabbed a basketball, ran up to the basketball hoop and did a slam dunk. All of a sudden, the power went out, Joe still hanging from the basketball hoop, and the power turned back on, but everything was red instead of blue (it should be blue). The loud speaker went on. "I, the Hacker, have taken over the the entire government of robots, and everything else!" Everyone in the room gave a gasp of fear. "I'm looking for some loyal minions. No volunteers? Then I'll make there be volunteers!!!" All of a sudden, bolts of electricity came out of the ground and struck all of the robots that where touching the ground in the city, but since Joe was hanging from the hoop, he wasn't struck, so all the technology struck was turned evil. The teacher robots, robot students, & all struck technology turned evil. All the robots in the room attacked Joe, since he is the only non-evil robot left.

The Hacked CityUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum