i want answers

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'hi, can you take me to my penthouse, oh hey mark' i said when the taxi driver turned around

I knew it was him i just didnt really suggest it be him.

I think im gonna tell him

'tell me what isabella?' nichole looked confused as hell, she wasnt listening earlier because of her earphones but now she is.

'uh, uhm, well, i mean, um, my name is actually liz, or lizzy and im your daughter, jc is here with me too' a small smile came across his face then disappeared

'lizzy, i missed you and jc so much, wait why are you here young lady, wheres your mother'

'actually drinking, abusing drugs, and me and jc were done with being abused so we ran away'

'awe, munchkin im so sorry, i dont want you to go through that, we will think of something. Wait then how did you buy a penthouse?'

'uhm.well. actually, i cant tell you that' then he gave me 'the' look and i cracked 'okayyy, me and jc took moms credit cards, put them in ours names we didnt think she deserved the money and we needed some, im really sorry' i said fast but slow so he could hear what i was saying.

'you what! Honey thats a felony, dont ever tell anyone that you got it?'

'nichole, kian and jc know but i dont plan on telling anyone else'

With that i step out of the car.

'hey munchkin, tomorrow morning how about we go for breakfast, i will be in the building and i could have them call you down? How does that sound?' my dad says, i nod and flash him a smile before paying him a 20 and walking to the big building with nichole behind me.

'okay you have to explain this later, i never knew about your mom, im so sorry'

'i will, i just need time'

'i understand but hey, lets make some breakfast or any type of food'

'i dont have any food, well actually i didnt check soooo lets go see' i say clicking the penthouse button to the elevator and it starts moving

'woah, this elevator is dope as fuck' nichole says

'well yeah i know, this costs so much, you can stay here if you want? Do you want to stay tonight? I can let you wear my clothes, and i have free high speed wifi, and free netflix and yeah mostly everything you could think of.'


'is that all you can say? Really? Im just kidding' i say while laughing a little.

We arrive and i step out into the living room.

I take a seat and play music from my phone and set it on the island in the kitchen.

I open the cabinet and this place is packed with food already, what!? How dude. Just how.

But there isnt things that could expire, but its good food here.

This is weird. Why would they provide food for you? I just dont get it....maybe im over reacting a little.

Me and nichole decide to watch switched at birth on netflix in my room and fall asleep.


I woke up to someone coming inside, 'hello!' they said.

Two people, whoes here.

I walk out into the living room to see that boy i always see and another guy with some blue eyed boy. These are the boys that were in the suite with the other ones.

Why and how did they find me, the fuck!

'lizzy, get you ass out here, you have some mayjor explaining to do, i want answers' jc called from out by the pool, he mustve tracked me by my phone, damn i gotta get that turned off.

I sigh and walk outside closing the glass doors so nobody could listen to us.

'okay explain right fucking now' jc whisper yelled

'maybe i bought a penthouse for myself, and just maybe i seen dad, and just maybe i told him stuff and maybe i kindof seen that tan brown haired boy inside alot'

'what do you mean you see him alot? Oh nevermind.why did you tell him stuff and why did you leave that night, you know im always here for you, im your other half and i would never hurt you sis, im sorry' jc says a little more calm now.

I just looked down and sighed.

He pulled me in for a hug when the glass doors opened and 2 guys walked out, no 3 actually.

I looked over and seen kian, once again.

'kian what the fuck do you want, i dont love you, stay the fuck out of my life, never and i mean never, fucking come around again' i screamed in his face.

I looked at the boy i dont really know his name but the tan brown haired one, he just looked very pissed and ready to kill kian

I pushed kian through the doors and pushed in to the elevator and locked the door that seperates the elevator and the living room

He wont be bothering me anytime soon i hope

'someone call kians mom and tell her that kian ran away and you found him' i say to everyone and they all look at me with confusion

'i cant do that you know how much trouble I will be in?' jc says

'not you, i just want him out of my life, if hes not gonna leave, im gonna find a way to make him leave' i say with a reasurring smile.

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