Chapter 22

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Your favorite asshole is back yallllll!!! 5 century's later... Anywhooo this will be a (attempt at a) lengthy chapter due to the fact that I haven't been here in ages. Here's the next chappie tho! Oh n btw i totally understand if anyone hates me cause i left y'all hanging so hard even I'd kill myself 💀

Dom's POV:

Is there even a jesus at this point?

I kept thinking that to myself as i stared down at the slightly thick looking liquid running down my leg. I could feel the contractions but they weren't horrible yet but i knew i didn't have much time til the babies were coming. Gray knew it too. Cursing silently he tried to slowly take a step back holding me closely trying not to make sudden movements to provoke this chick.

Who really i don't know and want to kick in the face. Not the hormones talking this time. If i wasn't pregnant and in labor I'd fuck her up hard core. That sounds wrong. Why am i thinking about this right now. A cry of pain sounded through the empty hallway and i realized it came from me. It's a damn hospital why the hell was no one around???

The evil bitch cackled and smiled wider with a crazy gleam in her eyes. She slowly started walking forward towards us while Gray and i took steps back. My legs wanted to give out on me from the aching between my legs but i tried to clamped my thighs together in hopes of it preventing the early arrival of the two most precious things that'll ever happen to me.

Looking around wildly i couldn't help but panic further because there was no way we could call or receive help in any way. Looking back at the girl i saw a glimpse of someone behind her before it was gone. I had hoped i didn't imagine it but i guess i did when i blinked and no one was there. "Take another step and she's gonna be delivering that baby with only one daddy. And you know how much I'd hate to raise our kids Grayson with you Vincent and i together like we were meant to be." She said with a sick smile.

The way she talked as if this was already know and agreed on and i just ruined her plans. I mean in her head maybe but in reality. Hello sweetie. No. Before we could reply she froze and crumpled to the ground while a bang sounded through the air.

Vincent's POV:

I didn't know what was taking Gray and Don so long but i was getting anxious and had a bad feeling. Excusing myself from the room i headed down the the hallways to get to the cafeteria. Halfway there i bumped into a small male nurse who looked like he was going to shit himself. On a regular day i might've laughed cause his face was priceless and if Don were Near by she'd tell me not to laugh even if she wanted to too.

The nurse fell to the ground after bumping into me and i helped him up. When i opened my mouth to ask what the hurry was he clamped his hand over my mouth and dragged me into the closest room. Running the phone in he room he dialed a number and whispered "code black." Before hanging up. I had heard muffled voices down the hall from where he came from and i was going to investigate whether this man liked it or not. "Before i go out there to see what the hell is going on and find my brother and my our girl would you mind telling me what the hell is going on?! And why you put your hands on my mouth? What's code black mean?" I spat at him.

"I'm sorry sir but it wasn't safe. Code black in this hospital means there is an armed intruder in the building. On the way to check up on my next patient i saw a woman holding a pregnant woman and her I'm assuming husband or boyfriend at gun point. I dashed off as quick as i could without being seen to call for help." As soon as he was finished i bolted out the door in the direction of the voices. I was fairly light on my feet so you couldn't hear the sound of my feet against the floor as i ran.

Picking up a hefty tray i snuck up behind the crazed lady who was holding the gun and whacked her unconscious with the tray. As she fell she squeezed the gun before dropping it all together. A bang resonated throughout the empty hallway and i was sure it wasn't only from the tray.

Looking up i saw Grayson's face scrunched in pain as he glanced down at his shoulder. When Dom realized that the bullet hit him she silently screamed n rushed to check the wound as if there's anything she could do.

Rushing over to them i pulled her into my arms along with my brother and tried to calm myself. Suddenly Dom released another scream just not so quiet and filled with pain. I fluttered all over body checking for bullets but saw none. But quickly i noticed the water on the ground and the look on her face.

She's in fucking labor. Jesus are you real right now?

Hiiii it's like almost midnight n i have a big meet tmrw but who needs sleep lol

I actually really missed this book. When it's over (since this is closer to being done than my other boon atm) i wanted to write a werewolf book. 🤷🏾‍♀️ idk we shall see lol you're prob rolling your eyes and like another book she will take forever to update on which is possibly true. But at least i update in the end. Thank you for all the support n if you guys have any tips, random or curious or whatever messages or questions or whatever (said that twice wow) hmu. Slide into my messages here or on instagram or soemthing. I want to here yalls feedback. Negative or positive

If it is negative thought don't be rude about be honest yes but honesty and rudeness are two different things. Anyways thanks for the support yall. Love you my lovelies !

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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