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Continuing from last chapter...

"Go home Brielle" I said laughing at her. "Not until you agree." "Whatchu want my dick foe huh? I hope you ain't tryna trap me or nun" I said sitting down on the couch. "No never, I don't want anymore of your kids. I just wanna see how it feel when I'm sober" she said sighing. "Really, I thought we got passed that" I said.

"We did and I was telling the truth. All my coworkers be at work talking about how they man put it down or how good their one night stand was so I got curious" she gone say shrugging and playing with her hands. "So you gone come to me..yo baby daddy for some pipe and you got a whole fiancé" I was so confused. "He outta state and you took my virginity which means your print is in me so I chose you."

"How soon you tryna do this man?" "How bout tonight?" She said raising her eyebrows "Aight, but what about the kids?" "My mom can keep them" she stated. I nodded my head and just sat here wondering what she was up to. I ain't had none in 8 months so I was down. It wasn't like she was some random I met at the bar; I knew her crazy ass for years.

"Well I'll be at home waiting you can drop them off to my mom's anytime" she said getting up and waking out. I huffed and got up to check up on the trips. When I went to the back of the house I saw Monté sleep with some cheetos he must've snuck in here. I left him and went upstairs to see Monroe with chocolate all over her mouth sleep on the floor with her forehead covered and Tj sleep with glazed donuts in his hands.

I wiped Monroe mouth and took the donuts from Tj and left them to sleep. I walked in my room to see Zariyah sleep with a woke Braelyn on her chest. She was just sitting there sucking her pacifier looking bored. She's a quiet baby up until she's hungry. That's when all hell breaks loose. I picked her up and kissed all over her cheeks. She tried lifting her head to move around but couldn't.

We walked downstairs and I had her laying next to me on the couch. She just stared at me and kept smiling off and on. "Hey daddy's baby" I said placing my pinky in her hand. She began squeezing it and closing her eyes. "I love you Rae" I said rubbing her cheek she smiled in her sleep and I decided to take a nap too.

I guess we were all tired cause the twins woke me up at about 9 and we all fell asleep at about 5. I fed the trips fried chicken and baked macaroni and Zariyah made yellow cupcakes for dessert. "Can you take us home" Zariyah asked. "Yeah let me run the kids to they grandmas" I said. She nodded and started breastfeeding Rae.

"Triplets come on your grandma wants you guys tonight" I said yelling up the stairs. "Is we coming back?" Monroe and Monté asked together. "Do you want too?" "Yes, come get me at dese many" Monroe said holding 4 fingers up. "How bout dese many" I said holding up eight fingers. She nodded and started walking downstairs. "Come on friend" she said reaching for Tj hand. He moved away from her which made her sad.

"Come on I gotta take the baby home" I said opening the front door. They ran as fast as they could down the stairs and stood on the porch. "I'll be back in 5 minutes. Be ready" I said to Zariyah. She nodded and started packing Braelyn's bag. We walked down the sidewalk and then Monroe looked up at me and said "is riyah your girlfwiend?" "No" I laughed she laughed to and ran to the front door.

Their grandma opened the door and they all attacked her with open arms. I told her I would be back at 8 in the morning and she nodded and shut the door. I looked at my phone to see that it was 10:17 and I decided to text Bri.

Ima be there in 10 minutes
Alright I'm bout to unlock the door

She texted back I replied 'k' and walked home. When I walked in I saw Braelyn looking around as much as she can and nodding off. "You ready?" "Yeah" she said grabbing the diaper bag. I grabbed Braelyn and we headed to the car. Once we pulled up to her place I got out and helped them in. I kissed Braelyn goodnight and headed towards Brielle house.

I checked my pockets to see how many condoms I had grabbed and there was two. I was about to knock but then I remembered she left it unlocked. I walked in, locked the door, and headed upstairs. She didn't know I was there and I could see her checking herself out in the mirror. "You nervous?" She jumped and held her hand over her chest.

Once she calmed down she went and sat in the middle of her bed. "Yes, can we please get this over with?" She begged not looking at me. "I know you ain't shy" I said laughing. "Its not funny" she said smartly. "My bad but come on let's get this started" I said taking off my shirt. "Turn the light off" she rushed out.

"Why?" "Because I'm insecure. I have stretch marks everywhere and I'm not comfortable with them" she said. I nodded and did what she asked. We got to business and boy when I tell you... She was beyond what I imagined. I thought she was gone be like these other basic blackmailing baby mama's but she tricked my ass. She wasn't a pro but she took it like one.

During our last round I was kissing her neck and she had her eyes closed. While I was kissing up her jawline I heard her gasp and then her body get tense. I thought I had did something so I stopped and saw her in a daze. I turned around to see what she was staring at and there her fiancé  stood with a bouquet of flowers and some food.

I didn't want to start a job and not finish it so I kept going. He shook his head, set the stuff down, and left. She was just laying there covering her face which took me back to the past and made me stop. I got dressed and left.

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