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Brielle Pov-
"Is the father on the way or would you like me to tell you the news alone?" The doctor questioned me. "Her father is on the way" I responded. He nodded his head and walked off. I turned and looked out the window to see Tez and Ty getting out of the car. "!" I yelled trying to get the doctors attention. He turned around right as Tez came walking through the door.

"So I assume you are the father of Ms. Nova Smith" he said looking at Tez. "Yes I am. How's she doing doc?" Tez answered then asked. "Well to be one hundred percent truthful.. her chances of living have decreased" he told us sadly. My breath was instantly taken away and I had to immediately sit down. "W-what?" Tez asked stuttering. I could tell that the news had taken him by surprise too.

"What do you mean her health has decreased?" Tez asked as his eyes started to water. I was still sitting in the chair just thinking why. That's all I can think and that's all I will think. "Come with me and I'll show you the reason behind her bad health" the doctor told us leading us to a room. "See this here is an x-ray of little Nova's heart. And this little line right here is a torn ligament in the heart-" "Why is that there?" I finally asked.

"I was just getting to that. Right next to the ligament you can see all black but about an inch and a half away you see all white. That means it's a hole in her heart... Now before you start thinking bad, no this is not fatal." He told us making us sigh in relief. "But it will cause some defections." I turned and looked at Ty and he came and just held me.

"What kind of defections and what exactly does she have?" Tez asked looking at Nova. "She has Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) which is a defect caused from the abnormal connection between the ventricles in her heart" the doctor explained to us as best he can. "Some symptoms are slow weight gain, poor eating, and fast paced breathing." Tez just nodded and went and took a seat.

"That fucking abortion" I heard him mumbled and that's all it took to break me. I got out of Ty's grasp and ran out the hospital as fast as I could. I couldn't take him blaming me also. I needed somebody on my side even though i know what I did was wrong, but it felt right due to the situation I was in. If something happens to my baby I'm not gonna be able to live.

"Bri. Brielle" I heard while I was walking to my car. "Brielle I'm sorry I didn't mean too say it like that; I just" "you just what? Didn't mean to say it out loud?" "No.. Fuck it yeah cause that's they way I feel. I'm sorry it's gone sound like I'm blaming you but if you didn't have that half ass abortion then my daughter wouldn't be going through this shit now." He yelled.

"In case you forgot she's my fucking daughter too and it hurts me to see her going through this just as much as it hurts you" "No the fuck it doesn't. It hurts you because it's partly your fault. Yeah I finally said it; I'm tired of holding my fucking tongue to spare yo got damn feelings. My feelings aren't spared so why should I spare yours" he spewed out. "Your an asshole" I said just as I was opening the door to my car.

"The doctor said you guys can see Nova if y'all want" Ty recited out of breath probably from running. When we heard that we instantly got to running in the hospital. "Can we still see our baby?" Tez asked the doctor as soon as he saw him. "Of course. She is yours" he said laughing "a nurse will be in here shortly with Ms. Nova. Now when she comes in please don't be frightening by her feeding tube its just until she turns 3 months and then we'll see if she still needs it" he told us.

We nodded, sat down, and waited. "So who she look like the most?" Tyrique ask out loud. "Me" Tez said. "He's lying, she's a mixture of us two" I corrected Tez side eying him. Once I heard the door I turned all my attention to my little girl that was laying in her incubator. "Novaa" I sang out in a whisper. She turned towards me then looked up to see where I was. I gasped and started tearing up.

"Omg Tez did you see her" I asked him looking at him. He nodded and walked over to her and started rubbing her head. She lowered her head and looked at him with her sterling grey eyes. You could just feel the love radiating off of him; it's like he fell in love with her. "Come over here Ty" he said nodding his head over to the left for Tyrique to come by us. Ty slowly walked over to us and stood over her.

He started smiling and went to grab her hand when she moved it. He had his mouth in a shape of an o shocked at what she did. "Y'all see that?" He asked looking up at us while pointing at her. "Yeah man she ain't fucking witchu." Montez said laughing. I laughed with him and told Ty that she was already a daddies girl. He shook his head and just stared at her from a distance.

"I can't believe y'all asses done had another one" Ty gone say smirking at us while watching Montez play with Nova's fingers. "Nigga you telling me" Tez said laughing looking at me then Tyrique "I still can't believe this shit" he finished off. "Boy don't say it like that" I said with a straight attitude. "How else I'm posed' to say it?" He replied squinting his eyes at me. "I don't know but like I said don't say it like that" I repeated. "Mannn Brielle shut that shit up, you just talking to talk now" Montez said looking up at me.

I just flipped him off and waited until he moved away from Nova's incubator. "Y'all niggas a trip. Y'all better hope the kids don't get y'all attitudes" Ty said laughing and Montez chuckled with him after standing back up. I bumped him and went to talk to my baby girl. "Hey grey" I said calling her the nickname I came up with. She looked up at me and just stared. My eyes watered but I blinked the tear away. I was tired of crying it was time for me to be strong; for her and me.

"You're doing good my grey eyed baby. You'll be home soon okay" I softly whispered while running her hair. It was such a soft texture and fine grain, I just knew her hair would be hard to manage for me. I heard Tyrique and Tez in the background whispering as I just stared and admired Nova. "Brielle" Montez called "huh" I asked turning to him. "Can we talk in the hall real quick, Ty gone keep an eye on her" Tez said opening the door. I jus nodded and proceeded out the door with him.

"Wassup" I asked closing the door behind me. "I just wanted to apologize about everything that's been going on lately." "As far assss" I dragged "As far as blaming Nova's situation on you, to sleeping with Zariyah more than once" he replied. "Apology accepted just don't sleep with no more of my friends" I said patting his back and walking back in the room.

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