Chapter 1

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"Sam!" I hear the fourth older brother call. I roll my eyes ignoring him. "Sammy!" He calls again. I pull my blanket over my head trying to ignoring him. five more minuets of sleep that's all I want. "Samuel!" He calls banging on my door. I finally give in and roll off my bed, still wrapped up in my blanket. "I'm coming," I groan. "You better be getting ready for school!" He calls. I crawl out of my blanket and walk to my closet. I take out my school uniform and throw them on my bed. I walk to the bathroom for a shower.

I unwrap the bandage around my breasts, that aren't much, and strip my clothes off and jump into the shower. I wash my short brown hair thoroughly. My eyes feel heavy and I feel like sleeping. I dry myself and walk out of the bathroom. I pull on underwear and boxers, then I take out a new bandage to wrap around my very, very small breasts. I get dressed in my uniform; White dress shirt, navy blue blazer, blue tie, and black socks. I comb my hair with my hands and walk out of my room.

"Watch it dummy," Jacob, my one year older brother says when he bumps into me. "You watch it!" I yell after him. I walk down stairs and to the kitchen. "Where's the food?" I ask. "Sorry, you woke up too late," Mom says. I groan, but she smiles. "Is there ANYthing to eat?" I ask. "She smiles handing me a plate with seven pancakes piled onto the plate, with warm chocolate on top of all of the pancakes. I lick my lips, "thank you," I say. "You welcome, you should wake up earlier," She warns me. "I know, I'm just too tired, I was up all night studying yesterday," I say with chocolate running down my lips.

"How is it?" She asks making some bacon. "Hard, but I got it," I say. "That's good, but don't pull all of these all nighters everyday, it's not doing you so well," She says. "I'm a boy, I don't need to look pretty all of the time," I say taking a cup of orange juice. "Don--!" Mom yells. Too late, I'd taken a huge gulp of something bitter and thick. "This is NOT orange juice is it?" I ask spitting the liquid back in the cup. "No, it's one of Arthur's homework experiments," she tells me handing me a napkin.

"I hope it doesn't kill me," I say wiping my mouth with the napkin, the taste still in my mouth. Good thing I didn't brush my teeth, now I can brush this out. "He peed in it..." Mom says cringing. I shake my head grossed. "Why!" I say running up the stairs. I brush my teeth and tongue trying to get the bitter taste out. The taste gets out a couple of minutes later. I walk back to the kitchen. "What happened to my Homework!" I hear Arthur booming. I back away slowly. "Sam!" He yells looking at me. "Hey, how you know it was ME!" I yell.

"I just know! what did you you dip shit!" He yells. "Hey, What's going on!" Mom yells coming in the kitchen. "Samuel did something to my homework, I worked on it all night long yesterday!" He yells. "Why are you accusing him," She asks. "Well who else is stupid enough to touch my stuff?!" He yells. Baby Camron who isn't really a baby, he's eight years old, walks in the kitchen sleepily. "What's going on?" He asks. "Forget it," Arthur says glaring at me. He picks up the now bubbling glass and when he walks past me, he whispers, 'See who's taking you to school today.'

I growl back at him in return and walk to my room to grab my back pack. I know he won't be giving me a ride today. "Hey, mom, can I take your car today? I don't think Arthur will allow me to ride with him," I say. She hands me her keys, "See you on Friday," She says. "Bye," I say walking to her car.

Living as a burgley boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora