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    I walk to the car and throw my backpack in the passenger seat, ready to go. "Hey, let me ride with you," Jacob asks. "What happened to your car?" I ask. "None of your business, now let me get in," He demands me. "No, that's not how you ask," I say putting the radio on. "Mom!" Jacob yells. "Yeah, tell mom and she will ask what happened to YOUR car, and you'll have to tell her," I say putting the key in. I see Jacob sighing. He takes out a twenty and waves it to the window. 

  "Now that's more like it," I say rolling the window down and taking the dollar.  I unlock the door and put my backpack in the back, leaving room for Jacob. Jacob takes out his phone and connects his phone to the car. He puts in his own music. "Hey, Hey, what are you doing?" I say putting my own music in, using my phone. "I'm putting GOOD music in," Jacob says changing the music. "No, no, I'm driving, I'm putting my own music in," I say. 

  He flips out a five dollar bill. "What you take me for?" I say starting to back out. "Ten," He takes out another five. "Man, don't be tempting people with money," I say smiling, taking the ten from him. "You suck," he say. I smile and drive to our all boys boarding school. "Hey, what homework did we have in Chem?" Jacob asks. "Didn't you do it?" I ask. "No, or else I wouldn't be ASKING you," He snarls. "I don't know," I say. 

  "If you want more money, I'm not giving it to you, I'll ask someone else," He says going back to his phone. "Come on, I really need it, I actually only need twenty more," I say. "Well why did you spend your money on that stupid game?" He says. "It's not a stupid game, you don't even know WHAT I spent it on." I say. The game I spent it on was Real-life, so I can get VIP. The game is like all the things I can't do as a guy, I can dress up as a girl, I can go on dates with virtual guys. 

 "Yeah, but I know it was a stupid game," He says. "Well give me a five and I'll tell you, a ten and I'll do it FOR you," I bribe him. "Deal," He says taking out a ten dollar bill, a paper and some pens. When we get to school, I take my stuff in the room I share with Kobe, my roommate, and throw my backpack on my bed. I start on Jacob's Chemistry home work which is to write the formulas for three simple problems and solve. I finish in a minuet and go to his room a couple of doors away and hand it to him. "Good job, they better be right," He says. "Me and you, who is smarter?" I ask rolling my eyes. 

  "Hey, you want to do my algebra for another ten? that would be all you need," He says. "Hmm, I say, but your a year older, aren't you a year smarter?" I ask. "Stop being annoying and take the money," He says giving me another ten. I smile taking the ten and his algebra worksheet. I do his homework while he chats with his roommate playing a game on the forbidden TV screen in their room, I don't even know how they got it in their room without getting caught.

  I finish doing his homework and I hand it to him. "Pleasure doing business with you," I say before he closes the door in my face. I take the money to my room and put it in the wallet I keep here at school. I take the wallet to the office which I give to the secretary. $150 dollars just for a camping trip in the winter, wonderful. "Thank you!" The small secretary says, taking my money. I smile and before I turn around, She calls me. "Samuel, we're glad to have you," She says. 

  smile. "Will, you're brothers be attending?" she asks. ah, she only wanted my brothers. "I don't know, Jacob and Arthur will come and so will Jackson, but I'm not sure about the rest," I reply. "Okay, thank you," She says. "Welcome," I say. I wait for her to ask me more, but when she doesn't I turn around to go to my room. "What's up Sam!" Kobe says when I enter the room. "Just paid for the camp, what's up with you," I ask. "Finally, it's like in three weeks, school starts in a few," He says tossing a ball to me. 

 I catch it with one hand. "I know," I say throwing it back. "Why don't you come swimming today. "I told you, I don't want to," I lie. I love swimming, but all the boys swim with their shirts off and they will think of me weird swimming without my shirt. I throw the ball back. "Alright," He say catching the ball. "Everyone to first period, first period everyone," The secretary says over the intercom.      

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