Chapter Twenty

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July 28, 2015
Dylan moaned and hissed at my actions. "Ow. It hurts. S-stop."
"Well this is what you get for picking fights. Especially over a dumb, ordinary girl." I said applying the alcohol pad to his lip.
"You're not dumb or ordinary. You're smart and funny and weird and pretty. God, it gets me so mad when I see them treating you like that."
"No matter. What you did was pretty dumb." I sighed. "You shouldn't have said all of that. Those words must have hurt him."
"He deserves it! He has been horrible to you. Why are you defending him?"
"I'm not! It's just not nice to provoke people. That's all..."
"It's not nice to bully someone either, is it? Yet he's doing it to you. You keep on scowling me like I'm a child but Luke gets away with murder." Dylan scoffed. "Doesn't make sense does it?"
"Stop talking. I need to get this on your lip."
"No." Dylan grabbed my wrist. "I won't stop talking until you realise that I can treat you better than anyone else can."
"I'm really not ready for a relationship."
"Well when you are, I'll be there."
"No, you won't. That's just something all guys say. They say that they'll always be by your side and then when you need them the most, they're gone. They make you feel important just so they can leave you shattered. At first it was my dad,leaving my mom when he found out she was pregnant with me. Then it was Luke. And now you're saying that you're different? Oh, please. I know what will happen. You will stay with me for the rest of the summer and then when you get bored you'll move on. Isn't that how it always happens?" I cleared my throat. "Well that's not going to happen if I don't let anyone get too close to me."
"Just because you believe that, doesn't make it true."
"Even if it isn't. I don't care. It's better to be safe than sorry. Now shut up, won't you?"
Once I was finished with his cut, we decided to see if everything was going fine. Everything was better than fine. It was great! I thought that not many persons would do karaoke but some die heart 5SOSer's - I mean- members of the 5SOS Fam were singing along to some of their songs there. It seems that the boys haven't set foot on stage yet. I wonder what's wrong?
Out of nowhere, I heard Luke's voice coming through the speakers.
"Are you guys ready to rock?!"
"I know that we are." Michael winked at Luke.
The crowd let out raging screams that could shatter someone's ear drums. Then suddenly time stopped. I locked eyes with Luke and even though I wanted to look away, I couldn't. Something was telling me to keep looking. Luke dropped his gaze unto the ground and began to greet fans. I nervously bit my lip thinking of what life would be like if I had never met Luke. Maybe I'd be happier. Maybe I'd still be an outcast. I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts and watched the guys perform. They were all so energized and jumping about but Luke seemed bothered.
"Alright guys! We heard you loud and clear. So won't you all simmer down?" Luke winked.
"I think Luke's on drugs. Just Saying." Calum joked around.
"Or maybe he's involved in an English Love Affair with a Good Girl?" Michael giggled.
"Which song should we perform first guys?" Ashton said from behind the drums.
"Depends on what the fans say. What do you guys want us to sing?" Calum turned the mike to the fans and a huge commotion started until they decided on English Love Affair. I can't tell a lie. That was the best song ever. Very Luke like as well. Maybe that's why I liked it.
"Hey Luke? You okay?" Calum whispered to me. I smiled and nodded even though I was worried. I wasn't worried about messing up with the fans because right now I can go dippity doo doo bop and they would still cheer for me. But this crowd has Daphne in it. She's the only person I want to please but can't. It's been the same since we were kids but now I finally have the chance to please her. If I only knew how.
"New song, guys." I said to the three of them.
"You don't mean-"
"Oh I mean it." I turned to face the crowd. "All right guys we have something special for you today."
    "It's a new song called Amnesia!" Calum said.
    "Now this song has means a lot to me. I wrote it about someone I truly care about. I've always hurt her and now she wants to have nothing to do with me. But, I want her to know that I absolutely can't live without her. And I love her. A lot. And I'm sorry." I said into the mike. I looked Daphne in the eyes. Before Calum began to sing. She tilted her head as she listened. She shook her head face palmed. But she still listened. Then when it was my turn to sing she narrowed her eyes at me. "If today I woke up with you right beside me, like all of this was just some twisted dream. I'd hold you closer than I ever did before. And you'd never slip away and you'd never hear me say..."
    What angle is he playing at? Why doesn't he just back off? I can't possibly trust him after all he's done to me. But I believe him. His eyes say that he really does care. But the promise. I can't allow him back into my life. I shouldn't fall for his piercing gaze or his sweet voice and kind lyrics. I must stay strong. But he looks so sad and genuine. I can't just leave him. I love him too.
    I took a deep breath and waved to Luke. He smiled and winked at me. I looked down for a while to hide my blushing face. Maybe I'm right. Maybe he truly loves me.
     When the song was over, Luke ran off stage. I scanned the crowd until I saw him jogging towards me. Without knowing it, my face lit up. However, with him just being a few steps from me, a very familiar figure grabbed him into an embrace. My face fell. She wrapped her hands around his neck as all the fans watched - some furious. Then she pulled him into a kiss!
    "Luke, I knew you loved me! That song was so about me. Wasn't it?"Miranda asked.
     "Uh... Yeah?" he answered.
     "Awesome! We are definitely getting back together!"
   I felt this heat surge through my body. My throat burned and my heart felt shattered. I'm so stupid! He could've never loved me or anyone else besides himself. He should rot in hell.
    Dylan walked up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.
    "Told ya so." He whispered in my ear.
     "You were right." I choked out. "He never cared. But you do, right?"
      "Of course I do."
      "Kiss me." I whispered back. He pulled me closer to him.
   I tried to force my way through the crowd to get to Daphne. I hope she didn't see what happened with Miranda.
    She smiled and waved to me while I was on stage so maybe she forgave me. Then I she came into view and all I could see was his hands around her waist. And his lips on hers. The fuck going on here?
      She moved on with O'Brien? Just as I was about to knock his lights out, Ashton came beside me to tell me to get back on stage. I pointed to Daphne and he said 'I'm sorry dude.'
       Guess I caused it all. Because I was being a dipshit. I went back on stage and tried my best to look happy but all I could was Daphne kissing him. Whenever I looked at her, she would glare at me. I couldn't even fathom what I did wrong. She was the one who had someone's tongue down her throat choking her. Then again, I kissed Miranda so...  Life's a bitch that I can't fuck.

Everything I Didn't Say///  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now