Introduction to the sequel.

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        I continued to sit on the sidewalk. My body trembled as I slowly curled up into the fetal position.
I miss him. He was the one for me but now he's gone. Gone. GoNe! How could he leave me?! HoW cOuLd He?! We were supposed to be together forever but he just left! Who does he think he is?
Without realising, I started to slam my fists into the pavement. I felt the extreme pain shooting through my arms, but I couldn't stop.
"What are you doing?!" I heard a masculine voice ask. I didn't stop. I just continued. "Oi, Daph! The fuck is wrong with you?!"
Daph? Only Luke calls me that.
I slowly looked up. A gasp left my lips as I saw who was in front of me.
This can't be true. I've gone mad. That's it. Lock me up and throw away the keys. I belong in an institute because the man standing before me shouldn't be here. Yet it all feels so real.



Everything I Didn't Say///  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now