Chapter twenty six

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September 24,2015
Luke crashed? I knew that he shouldn't have gotten into that car. Now I might lose him forever. No... Not necessarily. Maybe it's not as bad as it seems. Hopefully.

"What?! Where?!" I exclaimed. The guy just nodded before answering.
"Down the road." He pointed around the corner. I nodded then started to run in that direction. Please be okay. Please.
As I turned the corner, I saw persons getting out of their houses, all wanting to see what was going on. That was when I saw it.
Luke's car collided in a tree. It was almost beyond recognition. I instantly started to cry and ran faster. Once I got to the car I saw Luke in the driver's seat, passed out. At least I hoped that he only passed out. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I looked around me to see that no one else was helping. They all just stood from a distance, watching. A man even had the audacity to say that Luke had destroyed his beautiful tree.
"Can somebody help me get him out of here?!" I asked. Silence. No one stepped forward and no one walked away.
"Please! He's my friend and I think he's really in trouble in there. Just please... Help me!" Still silence. I sat beside the car. If this thing explodes I'm dying with you Luke. You can't leave me alone. Not again.
"I didn't even get to tell you about my feelings or my dreams... We were supposed to get married and have twins. A boy and a girl... Kendall and Kayla. I was going to name the girl Kylie but to be honest that would've been a curse. Oh, and we were supposed to have two dogs and a cat. But the cat would be one of those fluffy grumpy ones." I turned to the car. Luke shuffled in the seat and I heard a pained grunt leave his lips. He's alive!
"Luke!" I screamed. No response. "Don't die on me Luke. Help! Somebody help me!"
Finally someone stepped out.
"We already called an ambulance. It's on it way. In the meantime, we just have to be patient." The person said.
"I can't be patient! What if he dies while they're on their way?"
"Please... Just calm down." The man talked in this reassuring voice. "He won't."
"You don't know that." I said with a dark expression on my face. I then turned back to look at Luke through the window. "I'll get you out of there, okay Luke?" I walked over to the passenger's side and opened the door with ease. Well, wasn't that easy?
I slipped my hands under Luke and tried to unbuckle his seatbelt. Key word, tried. In the middle of my struggle with his seatbelt I felt a hand touch my shoulder and then I heard the loud sirens. The ambulance is here? Already? Which ambulance reacts this quickly? Maybe they called the ambulance before I came...
I was told to get out of the vehicle because I would've only gotten in the way. I took out my phone and called my aunt.
"Aunt Carol? It's me."
"What happened,dear? You sound so worried!"
"It's Luke." I said, feeling more tears run down my face.
"What happened to him?" She asked.
"He... He met in an... Accident." My voice broke as I said the last word. My aunt became silent.
"Well, do his parents know?"
"I... Haven't told them yet."
"How serious is it?"
"He may... Already be... Dead." She gasped.
"Okay, don't say that! I'll call them and let them know. Which hospital are they taking him to?"
"Victoria Regional." (A/N: IDEK ANYMORE...)
"Okay, we'll meet you there." She paused for a little while."Oh, and Daphne?"
"Don't do anything stupid."
I paced the waiting room of the hospital along with Luke's mother. Mr. Hemmings was trying to console us every now and then but I could tell that even he was falling apart.
"I just don't understand. Why would this even happen?" Mrs. Hemmings cried.
"I... I don't know, Liz." Mr. Hemmings replied sadly. They both looked at me.
"I... We... We went to a party. He told me to come and that it would be fun. But at the party I accidentally drank something bad and this girl helped me to find a bathroom so that I could vomit. Then after I vomited she kissed me and I was too weak from all the vomiting to fight her off so Luke walked in and saw us and then he got upset and went to race against this guy. I tried to tell him to stop. But he wouldn't listen. This is all my fault!" I cried.
"Calm down." Aunt Carol said. "No one is at fault here."
"That's easy for you to say. Your son isn't lying in a hospital!" Mrs. Hemmings shouted.
"Liz... You can't be blaming her for something she had no control over." Uncle Wayne said calmly.
"I'm not blaming her, I'm blaming you. You should've taught her about not taking drinks from strangers!"
"Are you insulting my parenting skills?" My aunt asked.
"Well, if the shoe fits!"
"Your son is the one who took her to a party. And he's the one who got into the car. If you're gonna blame anyone it should be Luke."
They looked like they were about to fight until their husbands stepped in.
"Liz, Carol and Wayne are right. No one is to be blamed for this. And fighting won't fix anything. Let's just pray for Luke to be okay." Mr. Hemmings pulled Mrs. Hemmings away and left me and my aunt and uncle alone.
After hours of waiting, a doctor emerged from the room. We all gathered around him to hear the news.
"How is he doctor?" Luke's mother asked. The doctor swallowed and cleared his throat.
"We... Don't know. He should wake up from time to time but... He's not out of the woods yet."
"What do you mean?" Mr. Hemmings asked.
"I mean that... He's in a very fragile state right now and he will continue to be like that for a couple weeks. That is, if he doesn't..." He trailed off not wanting to complete his statement. We all knew what he meant though. And because of that we became even more worried.
"Is he awake?" I asked.
"Yes. He is awake but he can only see one visitor at this time." The doctor explained.
"So... Who will it be?" Uncle Wayne asked.
"C-can I go?" I asked.
"I don't know sweetie. Maybe Liz wants to go." Aunt Carol said in a calm voice.
"No... I'm not ready yet... I can't see my baby in this condition. You go, Daphne." Mrs. Hemmings answered softly. I nodded and thanked her before walking behind the doctor. "And one more thing, Daphne?" I stopped walking. "Tell him that we all love him."
"Hey, Luke." I said softly as I walked into the room. He looked really pale and sick.
"...hi." Was all he said. He frowned and attempted to turn away. But hissed in pain and stopped.
"I'm really sorry. You should know that I never kissed her. She kissed me. I was just too weak from all the vomiting to actually push her away. I'm so sorry." I said while I sat on the chair next to his bed. No response. "I... I love you, Luke. And even though I said that I stopped I never did. For almost all of my life you were the first thing I'd think about in the morning and the last thing at night. I need you to not shut me out. Don't leave me alone Luke. Please don't... Not again." I whispered as a single tear rolled down my cheek. I saw his pale hand slowly rise until it touched my face. I flinched at how cold he was.
"I knew you loved me." He smiled.
"This is the part where you say, 'I love you too'."
"Um... I think I'll take a raincheck on that one." I frowned a little and he laughed but shortly after he groaned in pain.
"Are you okay?!" I asked nervously.
"Yeah... I'm just in a lot of pain." Luke grimaced.
"I'm so so sorry. None of this would've happened if I had just carried my own beverage. Instead I took some from this guy and... And I got so weak and-"
"You don't have to explain. It's my fault. If I had given you a chance to explain and if I had listened to you about not going in that car I'd be alright."
"I'm still so sorry." A moment of silence followed after that. Luke was the one who broke it.
"So... Twins huh?"
"We'll have twins when we get hitched, huh?"
"I... I don't know what you're saying. I don't want kids so..." I lied. Luke shook his head.
"The question is though, why a grumpy cat?"
"They are complete walking memes! You could say something stupid and I could just hold up the cat to show my disapproval. Plus they're fluffy." He raised an eyebrow. "I mean... What grumpy cat?"
"So I wasn't hallucinating when I was in the car! You really love me. In fact, you love me as much as I love you. For how long exactly has this been going on for?"
"Well... I actually kind of disliked you when we first became friends. As in the day we became friends. You could've gotten my ass kicked as well. But I think I started to like you more than a friend two weeks after. I actually started to love you on my birthday the next year. I realised that I wanted nothing more than to be around you forever and ever and ever."
"Aw... I've loved you since the day we met." Luke playfully frowned.
"That wasn't love. That was infatuation. Love at first sight doesn't exist."
"Oh, it does. I used to think about you all the time... Even before you talked to me." Luke admitted.
"You... Stalked me?" I laughed.
"No! I just watched you during recess and class. That isn't stalking. That's just... Watching from the distance."
"You're a stalker Lucas! That's kinda hot though. Yeah, but kinda not though." I sang jokingly.
"You listened to She's Kinda Hot?" Luke asked.
"Dude... I secretly became apart of the 5SOS Fam when I found out about you guys. I'm almost trash."
"Oh my god. My girlfriend is my band's number one fan."
"Who said that I'm your girlfriend?" I asked. Luke frowned. "I'm your future wife and the not so soon to be mother of your children Luke. Give me some credit." I flipped my hair sassily.
"You're right. How could I forget?" He laughed. "You had me worried for a second there."
"Good. Then you almost know how worried I was when you got in that car."
"You're evil."
"The evilest!" I pretended to laugh evilly. Just then a doctor walked in and told us that our time was up. I had to leave.
"Oh... Well goodbye." Luke said sadly.
"Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me. And tell me that I'll see you again~" I sang to Luke before leaning down and kissing him. The kiss was so passionate and so amazing in every way. It was way better than kissing Robert because this was Luke. The guy I had a lot of chemistry with. The guy I loved since I was five. The one guy I want to spend eternity with. My one true love.
"I love you. " We both said in unison as we pulled away from each other.
"Oh, Luke. You're mother said that she loves you... And so does your father. And my aunt and uncle. They all love you. We all love you. Bye." I kissed him again before leaving the room. I feel so happy. So invincible.
Wattpad is being a bitch. Ughhhhh

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