Chaptur 12: Fite the Oger

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Pissbby's PoV

lol this stuoopid skrub thinkign he can steel mi papi.

Jimbel will rue the day he steped foot into teh skool.

I put my leg aroudn Burnt Toast's shoudler as we walekd.

I accidentlyy ran into a green gui.

It was Shrook.

"WHAT R U DOIN IN MAH SWAMP?!?!?!" he yelled as he punched me.


B4 I went unconciosu I saw 2 meme lookin guis run up.

1 looked liek a dorito (I'll nickname him doriro-senpai) and the other had a frickin mullet (lol his nicname is John Stamoose).

'Lmao wut losers,' I thoguht as they punched Shrik, and then I passed out as Armean sat on the ground pissinf himself in feer.

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