What Would Happen If We Kissed: Pt 2

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Word Count:1,902
*not proofread!

It had been about a week since my disaster date with Lauren  I call it a disaster because for as much as I wanted our evening to end on a good note it was just awkward. I had a few Art shows during the week but Lauren did not come out. It was unlike her not to visit because she always did whenever I had shows. I was sitting in my studio drawing  Lauren when Angela walked in.

"Knock ,Knock I request to speak with the young and famous" I turned to see her clown smile only I was not smiling

"what's the matter Honey?" she asked a true cause of concern in her voice she walked over to me and touched my shoulder which caused me to stop drawing momentarily "Nothing's wrong" I responded and continued drawing

"You know I wasn't born yesterday.. Who's this girl? she's beautiful one of your new subjects?" Angela stated as I started putting the finishing touches on Lauren's lips I gently brushed my fingers across them 

"ahhh you're in love aren't you" Angela boasted

I let out a deep sigh and shook my head "She's got a fiance Angela"

"Oh no, I'm sorry sweetie, wait.. you didn't deny it you ARE in love aren't you? with her? so who is she?" she asked 

"Just someone I used to know" I replied..

"Hmm I've never seen her before has she ever been here? what's her name?" Angela questioned

"Angela please not now" I snapped   as I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer I popped the top and started drinking I stood in a daze and I guess Angela noticed 

"Well, I'll have you know that Mr Marcus loved your work so here is your check $50,000 as promised I'd say the meeting went over quite well despite his daughter constantly asking where you where the entire time."  She said as she rolled her eyes.

I took the check and looked at it before throwing it into a drawer  Angela furrowed her brow at me "Listen honey I don't know what's going on between you and this young lady but you need to get yourself together" I have it.. let's hold a party tomorrow night for the most eligible bachelorette! it'll be fun kinda like a millionaire matchmaker thing" Angela boasted with a smile on her face

"Angela I'm not really"

"Oh hush I'll get the planner and everything together" she stated as she rushed out of the room I stood staring at Lauren's drawing and slowly drug my fingers across her lips.

"Why did I have to fall for you"...


I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth and getting ready for the party when Angela walked in

"Wow if you were a guy I'd say you looked very handsome" she said as she walked over to fix my collar I wore a nice Black suit dis guarded the jacket and wore the vest instead I must say I looked pretty damn attractive "Angela , do you think this party is a good idea I mean I"

"Silence everything is in play now even if you don't find a decent young lady at least humor me tonight and pretend like you are having fun" she said I nodded my head in compliance "well time to put on a happy face" I said as I walked into the party immediately the room was filled with loud noise ,music,laughter, and inappropriate conversations a lot of older men where there attempting to hit on the younger ladies some who I figured would gladly take any offer if it involved an exchange of cash I walked around for a bit and got lustful stares from some rather beautiful women but I still wasn't interested my mind was on Lauren and I couldn't focus. The night went extremely well I got a few girls numbers all of which I hadn't planned on calling the party was filled to capacity and it was now time to "Give me away for a night" this consisted of a woman bidding to have a night alone with me to do whatever she wanted usually this is a guy thing but for some reason Angela thought that I was a great candidate.

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