6 Months

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Word Count: 1,416

"The usual honey?" A barista asked as I stared at the lighted menu board that hung above the counter I snapped out of my trance and glanced at the older woman

"What?" I answered with a confused look on my face

"Will you be having your usual? Iced caramel frappe with extra whipped cream and caramel drizzle?" She asked with a kind smile

"Oh yes thank you so much" I said faking a small smile I sat at my usual table in the coffee shop in the back usually far from people far from anyone who would notice me easily it had been 6 months since I saw Lauren or even heard from her since that night Luis and I got into a fight 6 months and I couldn't believe that she decided in that moment to run back to him to an asshole who treated her like shit  and asshole who was clearly fucking other girls an asshole who didn't even love her..  at least not the way I did it had indeed been 6 months and I was extremely bitter my heart had grown cold and closed up and I reverted back to my old ways sure I was still painting here and there still popular even more so now and with so much money that I had no idea what to do with but none of that mattered

I had finally moved from my studio inside of the art gallery to a beach house on South Beach fully equipped with everything that I needed so I rarely left the house unless I had a meeting  or an art show to attend other than that I stayed inside a sort of recluse painting,drawing drowning in my misery. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the bell ringing that signaled that a customer had entered the coffee shop  I didn't bother turning to see who had entered because quite frankly I didn't care

"Hi, um may I please have a large coffee black with cream and sugar on the side and a cinnamon bun"

that voice... that soft, soothing yet raspy voice  I knew that voice it was Lauren's voice my heart froze in my chest my breathing slowed to a halt I was frozen unable to move

"Sure honey will that be for here or to go sweetie?" the barista asked

"No, I think i'll have it here thank you so much" Lauren said I watched as Lauren casually  walked past me I pulled my laptop screen up covering my face but watched as she sat a few tables down by herself and stared out the window the sad look in her eyes softened my heart a little as I watched her smile at a couple holding hands and kissing as they parted ways  with one another I watched as she slowly ran her hand through her short dark hair  flipping it to one side Lauren had indeed changed her hair was shorter, she was slimer ,and she appeared ..sad though the beautiful smile that I remember could have fooled anyone into thinking that she was in fact happy but I could see right though her I sat staring at her wondering why she was alone and why her so called fiance was not with her was she single? or was she still with that asshole of a man I didn't know nor did I care to know.

I sat and stared at the beautiful Cuban girl for what seemed like hour as she sipped her coffee and ate her bun in complete silence I wanted so badly to walk up to her and just take her away and kiss her but then I thought back to what she had done to me walked out on me after I damn near got killed defending her and anger washed over me.. anger and sadness I pulled out my sketch pad and began sketching Lauren as she sat quietly staring out the window of the coffee shop she stared with so much intend it almost as if she were waiting for someone... me? yet no one ever came

A few minutes passed and I watched as she glanced at her check she opened her wallet pulling out fresh crisp dollar bills lay them onto the table stood up and walked past me I wanted to grab her but decided against it Lauren walked past me and still hadn't noticed that I was even sitting there I watched as a black car pulled up and she got into it in that moment I sprung from my chair and ran out to the street to stop her I refused to let her get away from me again

"Wait stop! STOP! " I yelled as I ran full speed behind the black Mercedes the car came to a slow halt just as I neared the back door but pulled off once the stop light had changed to green I slowed my run to a jog and my jog to a walk as I watched the car round a corner and finally disappear I stood in the middle of the street breathless I was sure that I had lost her.. for good lost the only woman that I ever truly loved.

A few days went by and those days turned into weeks I sat in my Art gallery looking over all of my paintings of Lauren I was a complete mess and now I was able to fully admit that I was in love hopelessly in  love but in love all the same

"Cheer up sweetheart it can't be that bad honey it's been 6 months she's probably moved on you should too you being sad and depressed like this is showing in your work" Angela said as she gently rubbed my back

"I don't care anymore Angela I just want Lauren back" I mumbled as I mixed up a few paints to begin my next piece

"I don't think she's coming back honey if she wanted to don't you think that she would be here by now? You should really move on she was never yours to begin with" Angela added even though Angela was being honest and telling the truth her words stung they cut like a sharp blade through my heart

"You can go now Angela I'll see you next week" I said in almost a whisper Angela stood up and retreated to the front doors  I sat in the gallery for a few hours before deciding to lock up and head to my beach house I set the code and began walking to my car when I heard a noise behind me I turned to see a figure standing next to a dimly lit light pole the body was small of a woman about 5'5'' 

I watched as the figure slowly approached me and came in to view it was Lauren  she stood in front of me staring at me her emerald eyes focusing on mine

"Hi y/n" she choked out I stood in silence staring at her in disbelief

"What are you doing here Lauren?" I asked sternly

"I wanted to see you.. I miss you" she said her voice a bit shaky

"You waited 6 months to come back here and tell me that you'e missed me?" I said as anger rose in my voice "You don't get to do that! your not allowed! you left me you walked out on e ME remember 6 months ago I almost fucking died because of  you!" I yelled Lauren immediately backed away from me a little I noted the tears that filled her eyes

"I had to think about things my life ,my family everything you don't understand! if I would have stayed that night with you I would have lost EVERYTHING my family everything I love you I came back because I realized that I was in fact in love with you and I wanted us to work out I wanted to talk to you  to to explain myself !" Lauren yelled but her voice was choked off by her crying

I stared at her with an expressionless face 

"Are you not in love with me anymore y/n? is that what it is because I left you?" Lauren asked sadly the tears flowing from her eyes.

"Go home Lauren, go home to Luis because as far as I am concerned.. you made your decision on who and what you wanted when you walked out that door"

with that I turned got into my car started the engine and sped off.

A/N : So do you think that y/n was right for rejecting Lauren? was Lauren wrong? what should happen in the next chapter? leave comments and feedback and please vote! love you guys :D


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