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Word Count: 1,092

*Not Proofread sorry for any misspellings or grammatical errors  

I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling as the light from the t.v. guided my eyes to odd shaped objects in my room I had thought about what I had said to Lauren I was upset for what she had done but was I wrong? Was I out of ) for getting upset? I didn't think so I didn't want to seem selfish but what Lauren did to me after I literally came to her rescue she just left so easily I didn't know what to do. Nor if I should talk to her again or at all for that matter.

Morning came quickly and I awoke to a gloomy day the sun seemed to hide behind the clouds as if it were afraid of the world.. I had a quick shower and changed into fresh clothes before changing my sheets and plopping back into bed I decided early on that today was not going to be my day and that I'd just stay in bed and be a bum all day 

I had just began to doze off when my phone rang startling me from my coma I glanced at the name on my screen "Lauren" it read and for as much as I didn't want to answer I slid my finger across the screen and lay in silence

"Y/n can you hear me?  (Silence)
"Look I just want a chance to explain to you why I did what I did and tell you that I am sorry"

"Ok you've said sorry" I said  as I  pulled the phone away from my face

"Please don't treat me like this y/n I l-"

"What? You love me is that what you were about to say?" I asked with anger starting to show in my voice.

Lauren became quiet before  speaking again  "Yes, I-I love you" 

all was quiet in that moment I couldn't find the words to process my feelings let along my next sentence a wave of anger and confusion washed over me I didn't understand  why she was even trying, why she cared about me when she had Luis he who clearly made it a point that I had better stay away from her yet she came to me I had risked my life for Lauren and almost gotten myself killed in the process of doing so and though I was still completely not over her actions that night her decision to leave me hurting and run back to him my heart still ached 

"Where are you?" I asked curiously there was a brief moment of silence before she spoke

"At your front door.."  She said. I quickly bolted from my bed and headed towards the front door I swung it open and to my surprise there she was my heart sank in my chest tears filled my eyes and threatened to fall but I wouldn't allow it we stared at one another  for a minute until I moved away from the entrance of the door allowing her to step inside once inside I closed the door and locked it while keeping my gaze down to the floor I could feel Lauren's eyes burning through my skull as I made my way to the kitchen Lauren followed close behind me so close in fact that I could almost feel her body heat opening the cabinet I pulled out a bottle of jack Daniels poured a bit into a shot glass and threw it back the warm liquid hit my throat like fire and I grimaced before pouring myself another shot

'since when did you start drinking?" Lauren asked 

I glanced at her only to see her face change into a  frown

"I drink so that I can forget you Lauren, and Forget what you did sure it helps for a while but what happens when I am sober huh? I just drink again.. YOU did that to me" I growled I rolled my eyes and turned myself back to the bottle this was now shot 4 and I was beginning to feel a bit light headed

"Stop stop it I won't let you hurt yourself like this!" by this point Lauren had finally had and seen enough she snatched the bottle from my hands and I watched as she poured the light brown liquid down the sink drain

"Hey! what the hell did you do that for!" I yelled the whiskey was beginning to go to my head and suddenly things started spinning for a minute before my vision returned to normal

"wha- what now you wanna comfort me,tell me that things will beok when in fact they will not!" I yelled

""that is so unfair" Lauren whimpered  she stood up and headed towards the front door I watched as she walked closer and closer and I felt like a complete asshole

"Lauren fuck wait! i'm sorry" I slurred as I ran over to her my feet felt like they had 50 pound weights on them but I managed to make it to her to take her arm 

"Get the hell away from me !" she yelled as she jerked away and reached for the door knob

"No stop! im not letting you leave again!" I yelled in her face I quickly grabbed her arms and mover her against a wall before mashing our lips together Lauren didn't resist me in fact she immediately kissed me back I felt her body go weak in my arm and a wet salty taste hit my lips as I pulled away from the kiss I realized that she was now crying 

"I'm so sorry for leaving you, I wish I could explain everything I just I'm scared" Lauren whimpered as she buried her face in my neck I gently caressed her head as she cried into my arms we made love throughout the night and each time felt as if it were the first time Lauren ad I lay in bed together she was sound asleep as I held her close in my arms her face buried in the crook of my neck I could feel her warm breath hitting my neck I lay quietly staring up at the ceiling as I slowly ran my fingers through her hair I thought someway somehow Luis had to go but the hardest part would be understanding the possible risk that I could be taking.

A/N I don't know if this chapter was good or not but here it is the next chapters will become more interesting I am tired guys lol I love you all please comment ,vote and leave feedback!

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