Chapter 1

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Louis's POV ~

"This is Matt and you're listening to 95.8 Capital FM, London's number one hit music station. It is 9:16 AM and that was Ke$ha's We R Who We R. Stay tuned because in five minutes, we're giving away two VIP and front row tickets to White Eskimo's sold out show at The O2! But right now, this is Ed Sheeran's The A Team."

The beautiful sound of a guitar surged through my car as I sat in the driveway of my house. I had fifteen minutes to get Lottie to work, but I needed to get these tickets.

There was a knock on my window and I turned to see my younger sister waiting patiently for me to unlock the car. I pressed the 'Unlock' button and watched Lottie make her way around to the passenger door. I waited patiently for the song to end, making sure Lottie stayed silent.

"That was Ed Sheeran's new single The A Team," Matt's voice sounded through the speakers of my car. "But since it is now 9:20, we are giving away two tickets to White Eskimo's sold out show at The O2. But they're not just any tickets, they're VIP and front row. So call 020 7484 8958 and caller 17 will see White Eskimo up close and personal."

My phone was already in hand, the number punched in. I hit the green 'Call' button immediately and placed the ringing mobile up to my ear, my hands shaking nervously. I held my breath, trying to block out the music coming from the stereo and focus on the ringing. This has to be good if it's ringing, I thought.

"Can you take me to work, or at least get out of the fucking driveway?" Lottie begged, annoyance evident in her voice.

"No," I shot back, right before someone picked up the phone.

"Hello, this is 95.8 Capital FM! I'm Matt, what's your name?"

"I'm Louis," I said, a smile prominent on my face as I slightly relaxed.

"Hi, Louis. Are you a fan of White Eskimo?"

"Have been since '09."

"Well that's a good thing then, since you and a mate are going to see them front row!"

"Holy shit, really?!" I half-yelled, not believing my luck.

"Yessir!" Matt laughed. "Thursday, July 25th at The O2. The show starts at 7:30, but because these are VIP and front row, you're able to watch the soundcheck and go to the meet and greet beforehand."

"You're lying." I didn't believe him. I couldn't. I had terrible luck. There was no way I was going to meet the band I had loved for five years. No way I was going to meet the fucking gorgeous lead singer. No way in hell.

"Why would I lie about this, Louis?" Matt chuckled.

"Because you could be an evil person trying to get my hopes up."

"I'm not." I could hear the smile in his voice. "Come by the studio anytime this week to pick up the tickets."

"Thank you so much," I squeaked, hanging up the phone. I turned up the volume of the stereo, Imagine Dragons filling up my car.

"You're so gay sometimes," Lottie commented as I shifted gears.

"Piss off," I groaned, backing out of the driveway, the Imagine Dragons song coming to an end.

"Hello, this is 95.8 Capital FM! I'm Matt, what's your name?"

"I'm Louis," my voice said. It was weird to hear myself on radio.

"Hi, Louis. Are you a fan of White Eskimo?"

"Have been since '09."

"Well that's a good thing, then, since you and a mate are going to see them front row!"

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