Chapter 2

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Louis's POV ~

One day. It seemed like each second passed like molasses. I spent the time listening to Finding Sarah Jane, texting Stan, and figuring out what outfit to wear - I swear I'm not flamboyantly gay... I just wanted to impress Harry Styles, the most perfect human being on this planet.

I was listening to the regular version of their album, because the deluxe hadn't come out yet. They usually wait a month or two and Finding Sarah Jane had literally come out a week ago.

♫♩If this room was burning,
I wouldn't even notice.
'Cause you've been
Taking up my mind with your
Little white lies
Little white lies

I was laying out numerous pairs of jeans, shirts, flannels, beanies, shoes, etc. when Little White Lies came on and Lottie burst into my room.

"You say it's getting late
It's getting late
And you don't know
If you can stay," she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I'm surprised you know the words," I laughed.

"Lou, I've been in love with Liam because you won't fucking stop playing that album. Or any other ones."

"Really?" I beamed. "You're a fan?!" A huge smile erupted onto my face.

"Of Liam, yes."

"Still counts for something," I winked. "I'd drag you along to meet him, but I promised Stan."

"Get me his number!" she yelled happily.

"I'll try, okay?"

• • •

I was on my way to buy lunch with Stan, since that was our usual routine on Wednesdays. On my way to the café we always eat at, I saw a copy of Cosmo magazine in the front window of a bookstore. Lead Singer of White Eskimo is Gay, it read with a sexy picture of Harry behind it. I pulled out the £20 note my mum let me "borrow" and stormed inside to buy the £4.99 magazine.

I arrived at the café a few minutes early, so I started reading the article.

Cosmo: Hello Harry. It's such a pleasure to have you with us today.

HarryStyles: It's an honour to be here.

C: How has the album release been for you? Has it been hectic?

HS: It's been somewhat calm. *laughs* Watch. I've probably jinxed it now. But the signings have been relaxed. The concerts are another story.

C: What do you mean?

HS: There're a lot of girls. *laughs* And all they do is scream. The boys are more chill... There is the occasional screamer though. It's funny to see all the boys sitting front row that adamantly sing along.

C: Have you found anyone special while on tour?

HS: I haven't run into anyone yet. I'm still looking for that special guy.

C: No girls?

HS: No. *laughs* I'm not straight.

C: Oh.

HS: Is this awkward?

C: Not at all. I feel like I should have seen it coming.

HS: It's okay that you didn't. I'm sure I'll shock a lot of people with this.

C: When did you know you were gay?

HS: When I was around thirteen. I had my first kiss with a girl during a game of truth or dare, but it didn't make me feel giddy or anything. It was like kissing my mum. It felt awkward and unnatural - like her lips were just too soft. And then I was dared to kiss the cutest boy in the class. My insides literally exploded. That's also when I realised I had a crush on him.

C: That's adorable, Harry.

"Whatcha reading?" Stan asked as he sat down across from me.

I held up the magazine to show him the cover. "Did you know he hasn't found anyone yet?" I asked, hoping to hide my fangirl-y fantasies of dating him.

"You would be cute together," Stan winked, egging me on.

"Don't tell me that!" I laughed. "Ugh. Now I can't stop smiling."

I thought about Harry and I being a couple. Would he even find me attractive? I mean, would he like someone like me, someone who's exactly like him - with tattoos and piercings?

"Don't obsess over it, Lou," Stan urged. "I know he'd find you attractive. And if not, you always have Niall to fall back on."

Niall and I have had somewhat of a thing for about a year. He has the bluest eyes I'd ever seen in my life and constantly dies the top half of his hair. His natural colour is blonde, but he insists on having the top half pink. It is attractive, I must say. He also has one lip ring, which adds to the attention he gets from boys of a different friend group - his "punk" friends, which bothers me a little, not going to lie.

It's really frustrating because I've wanted to make it official with Niall for a few months, but have never gotten an opportunity to. I was going to this week, but since I'm meeting the ideal human being tomorrow, I'd liked to see how that goes. Hopefully well, knock on wood.

"I know," I sighed. "I really like him, but I really like Harry too. And I finally get to meet my dream guy tomorrow. So why not put Niall on hold until after the concert?"

"Because he likes you too," Stan rolled his eyes. "And Harry's famous and in a band. How many guys throw themselves at him? You'll probably be another number, no offence."

"Offence taken," I scoffed. "You know, if you don't watch yourself, I'll take Lottie tomorrow."

"Okay, sorry!" Stan smiled. "But I'm sure he'll like you. If I was gay, I'd so tap that."

"Too far."

"But really, Louis. Even if he does like you, he won't give his number out. If it's meant to be between you two, then you'll have to meet again outside of a meet and greet."

"So should I make things official with Niall? Like, after the concert?"

"Yes. You both really like each other. And you've said he's, um, good in bed. So I don't see why not. And if fate wants you with Harry, then you'll run into him again somehow somewhere."

The conversation continued like this over lunch, basically me weighing the pros and cons of dating Niall. There weren't many cons.

• • •

I got home around 2:45 in the afternoon, and immediately started to text Niall while laying out my outfit for tomorrow.

To Niall (:
Hey x

Niall (:
Hey cutie. What's up?

To Niall (:
Sitting in bed, thinking of you.

Niall (:
You're too cute omfg babe.

To Niall (:
But it's true, love.

Niall (:
I know. I've been thinking about you all day too.

To Niall (:
Babe, stop being perfect. It makes my stomach feel funny.


I heard Daisy enter my room and call my name from where she stood at the foot of my bed. "Yes, hon?"

"I have a question."

I chuckled a little and patted the seat next to me on my bed. "What is it, love?"

"How come you only date boys... with tattoos?"

I'll admit, I was taken aback by the question. The pause scared me - I thought I would have to explain to my seven-year-old sister what it means to be gay. And that was a conversation I'd let mum handle.

"I'm just attracted to guys with tattoos more than guys that don't," I responded vaguely.

"But why?"

"Why do you prefer cupcakes over cake?" I asked instead.

"Um, I'm not sure. Why did you ask me that?"

"Because I'm not sure why either. Cupcakes for me, are like boys with tattoos. I prefer cupcakes, but I'm not sure why."

"Okay thanks." She hopped off my bed and trotted out of my room.

What the hell just happened?

Niall (:
Lou? You there?

To Niall (:
Sorry... Daisy just asked why I like guys with tattoos.

Niall (:
Hahaha what'd you say?

To Niall (:
I asked her why she prefers cupcakes over cake. She didn't know. I don't know either. It's just a preference, I guess.

Niall (:
Well, I'm glad that you do. Because I was planning on getting one soon.

To Niall (:
But I like you just the way you are. <3

Niall (:
Stop. I'm blushing. Like, firetruck red.

To Niall (:
I wish I could see. I'd kiss your cheeks.

Niall (:
I'm warning you.

To Niall (:
Xxx. I really wish I could see you right now.

I picked out my outfit for the concert after sending Niall that last text. I had laid out my 'Cocaine' 1970s graphic tee with my black skinny jeans from Hot Topic, my black Vans, a black beanie, and my black RayBan glasses. I put my Starbucks case over my green iPhone 5C and I got super excited.

"It needs to be noon tomorrow," I said aloud to myself.

"Louis?" I heard my mum yell up the stairs.

"Yes?" I answered back.

"Someone's here for you."

Who could that be? I thought to myself as I got off my bed and walked downstairs. I turned the corner and noticed pink hair standing by the front door. "Niall!" I smiled excitedly and ran towards him.

"Hi Lou," he chuckled as I hugged him tightly. He held me just as tight, breathing in my scent. I buried my head in his shoulder, since I was shorter than him by a few inches. He smelled like menthol cigarettes and honey, the scent I found most comforting.

"I've missed you," I whispered into his skin, pressing a soft kiss to the beautifully porcelain, un-inked skin.

"Let's go upstairs," he smiled down at me.

"Hey Niall," Lottie spoke from the stairwell.

"Niall's here?" Phoebe and Daisy screamed from their bedroom. Their footsteps were heard stampeding down the stairs. They ran towards us, each latching onto one of his legs. Another reason I like Niall? My sisters adore him, and he adores them.

"Hi, babes!" Niall chuckled, ruffling their hair.

"Hi Niall!" Fizzy yelled from her room, too lazy to walk down the stairs.

"Phebs, Dais, your brother and I are going to hangout okay? Alone," Niall spoke gently to my twin sisters. I felt myself falling with each word he spoke.

"Aw, okay," Phoebe sulked.

"We can play later, I promise."

"Okay!" they smiled and ran back to their room.

"Use a condom," Lottie teased, trying to make things awkward.

"We'll use your bed instead," Niall winked, grabbing my hand and braiding our fingers together.

"Oh, please. God, hell no," Lottie begged.

"He's kidding, Lots," I laughed, kissing Niall's cheek.

"Just... don't," she rolled her eyes, ascending the steps towards her room, leaving us together alone.

"Let's go upstairs and cuddle and watch telly?" I suggested, squeezing Niall's hand.

"I love that idea," he smiled, kissing my lips softly.

Fuck Harry, I thought. I really don't have a chance with him. Niall's my reality, not an international superstar.

"Niall?" I questioned as we crawled under my covers.

"Yes, babe?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I blushed, brushing my fingers over his collarbone.

"I'd be honoured," he smiled, chuckling at my pink tainted cheeks.

"Great." I bit on my bottom lip, but Niall pulled it out from between my teeth.

"Don't do that." It was his turn to blush. "It's super attractive. It makes me want to kiss you really badly."

"I wouldn't object to that," I winked, leaning in to press my lips to his.

comment what you think! and don't forget to follow my instagram: @livietree_x

and if you want to, kik me @livietree

love you all.

update: all the boys look the same as they do in real life - tattoos and all. the only difference is niall, who's picture is on the side. 

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