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"Wow this looks great." Said Margot while looking at our food. Luckily Margot is also a vegan, we ordered the same dish cause that is the only food they have here that doesn't contain any animal meat.

"Yeah sure it does. Let's eat." These past few days i noticed that Margot acts kinda weird when im with her. The way she looks at me, the way she blushed when im talking.. I know im being assuming but i know that there's something different... So i decided to discover it by myself and im right. Margot is falling for me.

"I have a favorite restaurant here in London, ill take you there tomorrow. Their vegan burger is soooo delicious!"

"I cant wait for tomorrow, been craving for it the whole time. Btw, why are we here? You have a photoshoot?" These tomatoes are so sweet. I can eat a basket of these!

"No i dont have. I have to meet my mom here, i think she's going to pick me up later."

"Your family lives here?" Time to get some information.

"Nope. Mom is here for some business matters, she travels a lot. I barely see her."

"How about your father?" She stop eating and look at me.

"Ahm i don't know. Let's not talk about him." She awkwardly laugh. Hmm looks like she's hiding something.

"Why? You had a fight?" I need to get something..

"No. Please let's not talk about him. Excuse me, i need to use the comfort room" She stood up and walk to the cr without waiting for my response. Why she acted like that? I think its going to be tough to get some damn information about her father. I grab her bag and follow her.

"Hey im sorry." I said as soon as she step out of the cr.

"Ahm its ok. I shouldn't have done that. I guess im being sensitive."

"I understand, don't worry. Let's go. You need to rest, your just tired." I hold her hands and she smiled at me.

I already decided on how can i get some information easily, you can call me jerk or asshole but i dont give a fuck. I will use her. I will make her fall in love with me.

"I'll let you know if mom is already here. I want you to come with us but mom wants only the two of us."

"Its ok. Just be careful. I'll just stay here in my hotel room. Call me if you need something."

"Yeah thanks." She's about to enter her room but i pulled her and kiss her forehead.

"Im always here."

A Beautiful Lie (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now