Chapter 36

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I wake up and realize I have to go to school. Ugh. I get up and just apply dry shampoo since I was a bit late. I style my hair and chnage my clothes in :

 I style my hair and chnage my clothes in :

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I do a pink eye and nude lipstick. I grab my bag and head downstairs. I grab some left over food and drive to school. Yes, my mom allows me to drive since I'm 15. I'm practicing.  I find a parking space and park the car. I get the keys and get my bag. I see Ashley crying. I went up to her and say "Why are you crying?". "It's none of your business get out of the way" . She pushes me away. Okay. I get in and greet Hailee. "Hey Girl!"  I say. "What's with Ashley?" I ask. "Well, rumors say she and Cameron broke up" Hailee answered. "Oh.." I reply. Later on I excuse myself and call Cam. "Hey girl! whaddup long time no talk!" He says "Yeah! Listen is true? You broke up with Ashley?" I ask "Yeah" He replies "Oh...okay I gonna go!" I hung up and get to class. (Skip school) I park at the driveway and get in. I remove my shoes and grab some food from the ref. I get a donut . I squatt down and get some juice. I close the fridge and chill at the counter. Mom comes in and I greet her. "We're going apartment hunting on saturday!" Mom says. Today is Wednesday. "Oh okay" I reply. I finish my donut. I grab my bag and head to my room. I change into pajamas and do my assignements. After that, I check the time it's 7:30 pm. So I go out and head to the kitchen. I go to the kitchen and Mom was cooking dinner. We eat and I thank her. I go to my and brish my teeth. Once I brushed my teeth.. I hooped to bed and was zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hey guys soort I haven't updated our final exams came up.. but hey hpoe so you like it?

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