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Curriculum vitae:

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Curriculum vitae:

The third in Zodiac

General nature: was not consistent, or change

Her star: Mercury (the symbol of intelligence, ability to express themselves and communicate)

Icon: 2 twins

Day of week: Wednesday

Lucky stones: sapphires, magnetite ore (iron ore), opal, agate

Elements: air

Colors: green, blue, gray

Flower: chrysanthemum, grass lapis

Metals: mercury

Features: the change

Organs: lungs, arms

Health: Body parts susceptible Gemini is the lung, cervical, arms, shoulders and nervous system

Keywords: intercourse

Perfume: juniper, lavender, mandarin

Animals: parrots, monkeys, squirrels

Place your most enthusiastic: the synthesis

Suitable sport: tennis

Perfect job: librarian, lawyer

Accessories needed: the short wool coat on the waist

A sure thing for you: do two things at once

Destination: Greece

Conception of life: "Life is a tango of 2 people"

Secret dream: to become leader

Lucky numbers: 3 -4 and 7.

Dating: Libra, Aquarius

Making friends with: Virgo, Pisces

Supply inappropriate: Sagittarius

Favorite gift: books

Likes: optional extra, knowledge, upon the 2 hands

Hate: arrive on time, bureaucracy, bound to adhere to unrealistic

Forte: reading, writing, there are many things to do and travel

Strengths and weaknesses: fear of loneliness, boredom and silence

Houses: the house highlighting the personality of Gemini: like communication, love family and early education.


Two brothers Castor and Pollux twin children of Zeus is, Lord in all twelve gods of Olympus, and of the Queen of Sparta. Which is the children of kindness, courage and together much fame on up được many glorious victories in the journey of the ship Argo groups great sailors, and in countless other adventures. Whenever, the brothers always tried to help lẫn exclusive.

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