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Curriculum vitae:

The twelfth in Zodiac (the last zodiac )

General nature: was not consistent, or change

Weekdays: Tuesday

Element: Water

Her star: Neptune (symbol of dreams, illusion, music, mystery and love poetry)

Icon: fish

Stone: Stone heliotrope blue red light, red coral, turquoise, aquamarine, a moon rock

Color: purple, gray, blue

Flower: lotus, iris plants, camellias, jasmine, lily (lilies)

Animals: elephants, dolphins, dogs

Metals: Tin

Features: change

Body parts: feet

Keywords: subconscious

Perfume: frankincense, hyacinth bean

Where you shine: helping others

What makes you impasse: poetry

Perfect job: making television programs, serving at the bar

Accessories indispensable: shaking foot wear

A sure thing for you: the dog wandering

Destination: Moroco

Likes: romance, helping people, kindness

Hate: reality, those stingy, insensitivity, indifference

Conception of life: love one another and live together peacefully

Secret desire: to live the dream and turn what they imagine into reality.

Health: feet are the most vulnerable parts of the body Pisces

Dating: Cancer, Scorpio

Making friends with: Gemini, Sagittarius

Supply engraving: Virgo

Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4 and 9

Home: home décor like to highlight the underlying strength, selfless kindness

Favorite gift: the gift of relating to music or poetry


  This constellation related to god Beauty Aphrodite and her son Eros the god of love in Greek mythology. One day, two people walking along the river bank, the monster Typhon suddenly resurfaced to destroy them.

Typhon old are descendants of Gaia and Tartaros or Kronos and Hera Hera or alone. Although parents are, like a Titan Typhon remained strong with eyes flare. Skyscraper tall body, Typhon no finger that has 100 dragon heads sprouting from his hands.

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