4: Dusk

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   "Good dusk to you, ShadowClan." Thornslash said as he walked smoothly to the Night Tree and leapt from a branch and onto the Shadow Boulder. "It is now time for the Dusk Choosing. I along with other spirits have once again arranged the plants that will be picked upon. Possible tributes, please step forward and choose from the eight plants you see before you. The list reads as dried oak leaf, horsetail, burdock root, feverfew, watermint, thyme, juniper berries, and comfrey."

   Hawkfire saw that many of the plants were different than the ones used before. She was about to pick up the watermint when Brackenpaw rushed ahead and grabbed it in her jaws. She looked at Hawkfire and her gaze was unsteady and afraid. Then she just quickly went back to her spot in the clearing. Hawkfire then picked up the thyme and padded back to her former position.

   After all of the cats chose a plant Thornslash now said the ceremonial words just as he did with the pre-ceremony. "As I close my eyes, I now choose as plant as tribute to the Games!" And out came a strand of thyme. Hawkfire was going to the Warrior Games. She felt dizzy and struggled to steady herself. She heard her family and Clanmates' devestation behind her. Thornslash just said the words again like it was nothing and dipped his paw in again. "I hear crackling," he said slyly. The dried oak leaf came out and Waspwing stepped forward. Hawkfire had always admired his bravery. He moved strongly and confidently, but his eyes were dark with dread. Thornslash pulled out the last plant, and a screeching, deafening wail came out of Brackenpaw's mother's mouth. The last plant had been watermint.

   Just as Brackenpaw was about to step forward with tears heavy in her eyes, a young tom stepped forward and yelled to the sky. It was Swiftleap. All the Clan knew the young warrior had always cared for Brackenpaw. "NO! She can't go! I, Swiftleap, warrior of ShadowClan, VOLUNTEER as tribute in place of Brackenpaw!"

"No, Swiftleap it's ok!" Brackenpaw wailed, "Really don't do this!"

Swiftleap looked at her, "I have to. You can't die."

Brackenpaw yowled, "Noooo!"

Thornslash's expression showed impatience, "Alright, Swiftleap please come and join the others." Swiftleap padded up beside Hawkfire and Waspwing and sat down. The dark tabby continued, "Now ShadowClan, please go to the Five Great Oaks and we will see the other Clans' tributes."

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