Jackson and Paul George Bonding.

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The next morning,

Paul George comes in Andrew Bogut's house. "Come in," Andrew Bogut shouted while eating cereal. "Is Jackson here?" Paul asked Bogut. "Jackson is upstairs, he'll be here in any minute," "Oh okay," He said. "Because I want to spend time with him,"

Andrew Bogut goes upstairs to check on Jackson because he starts to say something that he had a surprise for him.

Andrew Bogut: Jackson?

Jackson: Oh hi Andrew what is it?

Andrew Bogut: You have a visitor, I think he wants to spend time with you.

Jackson: Who? Paul George?

Andrew Bogut: Yes my dear Jackson, that's him.

Jackson: Really? Omg!!!

Jackson ran downstairs and shouted excitedly. "Paul George! Good to see you," "Aye! Good to see you there buddy," Paul George said. "Anyways, you want to hangout with me?" "Sure Paul," Jackson jumped up for excitement. "I want to hangout with you,"

At Chili's

Jackson and Paul George were hanging out and eating lunch together. They were talking about how Keagan and Lauren had a baby sister, her name was Lilly.

"Lilly?" Paul George wonders. "That's a pretty name, how is Klay doing?" "He's doing alright," Jackson nodded. "Just making sure he was doing okay," "Oh I heard that he was having a hard time," Paul looks worried. "But now he's fine, it must have been tough since he was having a hard time," "Oh I understand," He agreed with him. "Anyone told me about not able to have children?" "My friend Keagan did," He replied. "He told his dad about it, he was sad and it was hard for him, it hurt him a lot,"

"Sorry to hear that my dear Jackson," Paul George comforts him. "I'm sure it will be the time to think of, but if you want I can talk to Keagan because he knew that there will be the women who can offer a child for him, so that his dad doesn't need to worry about it," Jackson felt relieved knowing that Paul George had showed the sign of confidence, even though his relationship with Jackson grew closer and it was like the father and son relationship.

*Paul George's thoughts about adopting Jackson*

Paul George: How old are you?

Jackson: 16 years old Paul.

Paul George: Cool. In fact, I thought about adopting you because you knew your parents were busy with other things, but I didn't want to leave them to be heartbroken.

Jackson: so what makes you think of adopting me?

Paul George: Long story I guess... Since your parents left for abroad as a child. I knew that I wanted to take care of you.

Jackson: You're still my guardian right?

Paul George: Of course my dear!

Jackson: okay :D.

Paul George: Wanna go to the park?

Jackson: Sure.


Paul and Jackson were sitting on the bench as Jackson looked back to the memory of how he and Paul George were in the same house since his parents were working in Singapore. "It was a hardships George," Jackson sighed. "Somehow when my parents came back, it felt like they had no money at all, I had leukemia when I was 8 and I knew you could do anything to look after me, without the treatments that happened, I would've been dead by then," "I did everything to nurture you Jackson," Paul hugs him.

Jackson's parents approved of Paul George's adoption papers and stuff. Jackson told his parents that Paul George was his legal father. "At least I found a toy that belongs to your daughter," Jackson laughed.

*Jackson's story: Adopted*

Paul George tells his teammate who was playing for Pacers also when it was the time it had happened to the past. Paul George manages to adopt Jackson.

Paul George: I brought Jackson with me.

Monta Ellis: Oh why is that?

Paul George: It was sad that his parents left him.

Monta Ellis: That was fast! So what do you want to do?

Paul George: Monta, I have a confession to make. Just as you know I want to adopt him.

Monta Ellis: How old is he?

Paul George: He is six years old.

Monta Ellis: Congrats dude! You have adopted a child.

Paul George: But don't worry dude! I'll take good care of him, he can play with his baby sister.

Jackson admitted the time that he was adopted. "The truth is... You adopted me Paul, that was when I was six, I knew that somehow I didn't want any trauma to hit me because that was the time I have been with hardships," he continued. "Yes, my parents left me because they knew they didn't have any money to pay the rent in my house anymore, you talked to my parents about it right before you adopted me," The horde of people started crying in tears knowing Jackson had been adopted, so he gave Paul a hug.

Jackson's line: I fell in love with Paul GeorgeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora