Shining Wonders (Jalex)

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Jack's Pov-

I dont know what to feel anymore. I should feel used to rejection. Unwanted. Sure i have a family who loves me and accepts me, but other than that who else? I was a pretty normal kid, who had average grades and a few bullys, but other than that what else am i missing? Ahh yes, Friends. Something i lacked majorly in. 

It was a friday night, and like usual i stayed at home, just sitting in my pajamas watching Family Guy alone. My mother should be home from work at 11, and my dad took my brothers to a hockey game. Of course i wasnt invited, never am. Here's the thing with my dad, he picks favorites and my two little brothers are the only people in the world he would probably give his life for. On the other hand, me and my mother are just average family to him, nothing special.  But at least im not neglected.

I got up from my spot on the couch getting a pint of ice cream from the fridge, and a clean spoon from the dishwasher. I slouched against the counter poking at the nearly frozen ice cream in my hands. The lonely silence was intterupted when my phone rang. thats odd, no one ever calls me. I was debating whether to be my lazy self and just letting it turn off on its own, or getting off my lazy ass and getting my phone. I went with the second choice grumbling under my breath. Who knows? Maybe its a friend from Tumblr or something.

"Hello, mom." I said, putting my ice cream on the table and started pacing around the kitchen Yeah, what friends? "Hi sweetie, i was just wondering if your father's home? Maybe he could take you and the-" 

"No mom, he is not taking me anywhere, and you know he doesnt care anyways so why bother?" I said."Where are you? Its almost 11." I said not giving her a chance to answer my first question.

"Im on my way out of the office now. Just get some rest okay? Tomorrow we have to get some stuff for your project for school. What are you doing again? Plants or something? Do you need construction paper or markers?" My mom said.

Sometimes i cherish moments like these. The moments where someone finally cares. I picked up my ice cream and stared at the vanilla liquid. dripping from the cardboard. "We'll get it tomorrow. But its not due for another 2 weeks. Chill mom. Anywho im going to bed now, my ice cream got all melted." I laughed. "Okay, love you." 


And with that, I hung up and put the ice cream away. I walked over to the tv and turned it off, grabbing my blanket from the couch and turning the corner of my cozy one story house, into my bedroom. Without bothering to turn on the light, i climbed into bed and put my stereo on medium, falling asleep to a classic by Green Day, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams.


I woke up the next morning too early for my liking. I sat up in my bed scratching my bed hair which had a shit ton of hairspray in it from the day before. I got upand grabbed my towel hanging on the door, walking in my freezing bathroom. Well duhh it is the middle of November, Bill Nye The Science Guy. I stripped down and got into the warm water, thinking about my 'busy' weekend. Well Therapy in an hour, then to the store and yeah. Tomorrow i have guitar lessons and thats about it.

After my shower, i got out and got dressed in a usual sweater and jeans, putting on a beanie for my laziness of doing my hair. I went into the kitchen eating some cereal, waiting for my mom to rush us out of the house. After 15 minutes of waiting i sighed and waited by the car, turing my volume on high. Finally she came out and drove me to my social worker.

After therapy, It was a normal day. Shopping, sleeping, blogging. The usual Saturday. Sunday was pretty boring as well. My lesson was cancelled becuase some famous musician just moved in and took my spot. That guy better be Tom DeLonge or imma be pissed. 

Well it was Sunday night, so that basically meant my weekend is over. Right now it was 3am and Im supossed to be up in 4 hours. This used to happen last year when i was a Sophomore, but i thought i got out of the habit of staring at the ceiling all night. I sighed frustrated with my uncontrolable train of thoughts. Faced towards the wall and dozed off to sleep.


I was going to be late for school if I didnt leave now, so I got on my bookbag and and headed on out. Im not really good with time, since my watch broke last semester and now i have to rely on my microwave clock  to be the savior of my high school years.

I got to school, feeling like a zombie and noticed a whole crownd of students blocking the hallway. Since i was already almost late once today, i didnt want to make a second attempt. Me, thinking I was skinny enough to try and squeeze through half of the circle, was wrong. I ended up in the middle of the circle stopping dead in my tracks. I could believe my eyes.

Right in front of me. Alex Gaskarth. Signing autographs and having multiple bras thrown at him. The hottest musician in America at our school? No, no way. He looked up from his sunglasses and caught me staring. He smirked and just went back to the crowd. What did that mean? Did I look like an idiot? Oh man, I looked like a typical obsessed fan of  the douche thats what.

I made my escape after goggling there like an idiot. I made my way to my locker catching my breath to take in what just happened. 

Alex Gaskarth is a singer/guitarist loved by almost everyone. He was in the pop/punk genre, but nobody could resist his looks. They also went after his money or fame for their own conceited beings, but he didnt trust anyone. How do I know this? You see, he used to live her in Baltimore, but when his career took off when he was 14 when he moved to San Diego.

I used to have him in a couple of my 7th grade classes, but i never talked to him. Mostly because i had a major crush on him. But who doesnt? Girls want him, and guys want to be him. But im with the girls, I want him. I may or may not have mention im gay, but now you know. 

Putting my books away, I yurned around ready to go to homeroom, until i saw my buddy Rian. Rian was one of my bestfriends. Only we dont hang out. He is pretty popular or well liked for what happened in the October when he got hit by a car. He still has a blue cast on his ankle, and girls love to be around him and baby him. Im not jealous, way far from that. Id rather be hidden in the shadows than in the spotlight. Its just not my thing.

Since the hallway was empty from the crowd in the next hall, I made my way over to him and gave him a bro hug.

"Sup man." He said. "Nothing much. Just had to get away from those suckups. Can you belive The Alex Gaskarth is here though?! Whats he doing back?" I asked  excitedly.

"I dont know, I thought his career was pretty good." Rian replied scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, he just made an album 4 months ago. If I were him, I would go to freaking Las Vegas for some serious drinking." I said. "Count me in on that ." Rian said and fist bumped me. We laughed joking more about the situation as we headed off to class.

Shining Wonders (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now