Why he became Sculptor

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19LingeringMedix I finally figured out how Remus became Sculptor and turned people into sculptors

When Remus was making a sculptor of a person he had over and it was going fine until the person or the female suddenly moved cause she couldn't stand staying in place this caused Remus to messed and get really pissed off and attacked her and killed her with one of those sharp tools.

After Remus killed her, he was gonna dispose her body somewhere where no one could find her {Mind you this is his first kill} but when he looked at her again he started to wonder and realized that she looked like a statue more than the statue he was making. So instead of disposing her he went to work on her and as soon as he was done with her she was now like a sculptor

Than after about six hours later a friend of hers came over asking if the friend was still there cause they haven't heard from them and was getting worried. Remus told them that they left but they probably got lost or something, Remus than invited them in so they can call their friend. When the friend came in Remus knocked them out with chloroform that is covered in the rag

Remus than looks at the new victim before starts to work on them while thinking if they would also make a good sculptor than after two hours getting done and looked over the whole new work he realized the sculptor was not good so he disposed it cause to him it was horrible.

After those two Remus decided that he would make people out of Sculptors

Somehow this starting to remind of the movie House of Wax cause people in that movie are made out of wax statues that are made by the brothers who I forgot their names

But sorry Grandma Medic if this didn't make sense I tried

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