Chapter Two - A Curious Quandry

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I walked for what seemed like miles. I had spotted a wolverine and a few murders of ravens, but none of them seemed to be in the mood to make friends. It was weird to me, no signs of human life anywhere, no cities, no farms, not even a Gurney carriage to take me home. I guess it was just as well, any fears I had of someone stealing my invention before I could patent it were gone. I decided to turn around and go back to my device. Maybe I could use it to get home again. After all, it had become my unwitting vehicle to get me here in the first place.

The sun had started to set by the time I got back to my Rube. The rain had stopped falling, and the ground was muddy under the green grass that covered it like a plush blanket. I hated the rain almost as much as I hated snow. I enjoyed the smell it left behind, but the mud on my boots was another story.

The rain had half-filled the bucket that would create steam for the kettle. A redeeming point for bad weather, I suppose. I checked my little mouse; he was the most important part of this whole operation. Without him, the water would never boil. He squeaked at me in protest, as he shivered with the cold. The branches I had covered the device with had given him little shelter from the elements. As I took him out of the cage, he crawled up my arm, snuggling into my wet hair searching for warmth.

"Great!" I threw my hands in the air as the little mouse's need for warmth reminded me that I did not have any matches on me, let alone another pig bladder to make a balloon out of.

"I don't know how we are going to get home now, thanks, little mouse."

Of course it wasn't his fault, but I needed to blame someone. I could blame my mother; after all she had lent me the egg timer. I would have to find something to improvise. I was glad my appliance had dropped me near a wooded area, but I didn't relish the idea of killing an animal for its bladder. What a quandary I have gotten myself into.


Twigs, I had managed to collect a plethora of twigs. There was plenty of material to create a fire in these woods, but nothing really to start it with the Rube. I still didn't know where I was, but the woods were peaceful, and made me feel a little less lost. Animals were plentiful, so a bladder would be easy to find. I had one little issue with that, I couldn't bring myself to kill any of them.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked a squirrel sitting on a branch above me.

Of course no answer came, I wasn't expecting one, but the sound of my own voice put me a little more at ease. I didn't like being lost, as most people wouldn't.

"You would think we would have seen an airship go over by now." I said to the little mouse that was still curled up in my hair.

Again, I didn't expect an answer. I am a reclusive creator type. A little quirky I will admit, but not actually crazy.

I sat down on a stump beneath an old withered tree, resting my back against the trunk of another. I started to drift off to sleep, just as I heard the crack of a twig in front of me. I could make out five figures coming towards me, but wasn't awake enough to tell if I was dreaming or looking at reality. I decided I was merely dreaming, since I had seen no signs of human life in my walk earlier.

A pat on the top of my head woke me from my slumber. I opened my eyes and stared straight at the stomach of what appeared to be a man in a tunic. Four others stood behind him.

"Hello? You don't need to hit me." I said pushing the man's hand away. "I could use your help though; I am lost and need to get home."

He responded in a language that I didn't understand and the other men laughed.

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