Epilogue - November 24, 1846

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Circinn's father had been right; we had a healthy baby girl. We named her Ishbel after Circinn's mother. She has Circinn's red hair and blue-grey eyes, and in my opinion, is the most perfect creation I have ever made.

My mother had a hard time coming to terms that I was married at first. Becoming a grandmother made her anxious until Ishbel was born. She is now the light of my mother's life and I enjoy hearing my mother laugh and seeing her smile. Through Ishbel, she found her own happiness.

My mother's view on how a proper lady should conduct herself has changed. She is proud of the accomplishments I had achieved in the ancient times, and my strength of will to come home to her.

She doesn't even complain that I like to wear my corsets over my clothes anymore, or that I dye my hair sky-blue. She defends my quirks, and simply tells others to mind their own children's affairs.

My father taught Circinn the family business. Circinn excelled and became one of the top salesmen my father had. He goes out of his way to make sure he doesn't work to the point that I ever doubt he loves Ishbel and me.

My father loves his son in law so much, he went as far as to make Circinn a partner in the business and added & Son at the end of the business name.

We bought a farm not far from Uncle Nathan's, and the whole village lives on it with us. Many of them don't want to move into the house, and have built round houses in the fields. They are enjoying their new life here in my safe world, far away from the Romans. Everyone had taken the Morgan name, much to my father's astonishment. He had always wanted a large family.

Circinn's father and mother live in their own little Victorian carriage house on the property, and momma loves the modern appliances. She says instead of a chieftain's wife, she feels like the queen of the universe. She also has developed a love for frilly dresses and goes shopping with my mother every week with Ishbel in tow.

Aifric has become my business partner. We own an airship building factory, Morgan and Morgan Rubelins; it is also a school for flight and creation. Through the school, he met his wife, Matilda. They are expecting a baby any day now.

I have since refined my time machine, and I have realized that the way the egg timer had spun determined the direction of time we went to. Aifric and I have discovered that it is up to fate to decide which way it spins.

I have since given my mother back her borrowed egg timer, and have invested in one of my own. I have also added a digital function that allows us to pick what where and when we want to go to, if the egg timer wills it.

I have patented my design, and Aifric and I still journey through time, collecting data and learning about other cultures. I enjoy the times Circinn and Ishbel come with me; it's a proper family vacation.

Things I had done affected history, but I have no regrets. By the time I had returned, the history books had changed to reflect what had happened with my interference. I hadn't thought about that at the time, and I am careful not to do that again during my travels.

Hadrian's Wall was built two years quicker due to the technology I had created that helped the Caledoni thwart the Roman attacks in the highlands. The ballistae I had created were found by other clans, and used against the Romans triggering the Antonine wall to be built.

The village Circinn and his family had lived in is not in our history books. It is assumed that no humans had lived in the area of Loch Rannoch, and excavations are still being prepared. When the Caledoni want to clear a village, they really clear a village. Circinn still refuses to call his homeland Scotland, or himself a Scott.

If you are wondering how my quest for perfect bacon has gone, I have it every morning. My husband cooks it, so my Rube did work, just not in the way I had expected.

Until the next adventure through time, keep things "mostly harmless". Alba gu bràth!


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